We grow a gentle beauty at home - Dieffenbachia Camilla
Dieffenbachia Camilla is one of the most beautiful plant forms. It has leaves unusual for this species: the main color of the leaf plate is creamy white, and only its edges are surrounded by a soft green border. Of no small importance is the fact that the bush has rather compact forms (rarely when the flower grows more than one meter), which makes it a favorite among other species for growing in an apartment.
The special manifestation of the variegation of the flower also determines certain requirements of Camille dieffenbachia when caring for her at home. First of all, this applies to lighting and room temperature. In addition, do not forget about such nuances as:
- selection of nutrient soil;
- frequency of watering and feeding;
- the need for pruning and transplanting.
Choice of conditions of detention
Dieffenbachia Camilla requires good lighting to keep the leaves with a green rim. Otherwise, they become almost monochromatic and faded. It should be borne in mind that too intense lighting will also harm the flower. It is best to place the pot on a stand or pedestal near a light window (west or east) that does not open, because dieffenbachia is afraid of drafts and foliage is immediately discarded.
If little light enters the room through the window in winter, additional lighting may be needed.
Dieffenbachia (a photo) loves heat very much, so the room temperature should be at least 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, you should take special care of the comfortable maintenance of the plant, because a drop in air temperature below 15 degrees is detrimental to it, as well as sharp fluctuations.
Dieffenbachia soil
The flower loves a nutritious and light earth that permeates water well. If you make up the soil mixture yourself, you need to mix:
- 2 pieces of leafy land;
- 1 part of sphagnum and peat;
- some fine sand (no more than 0.5 parts).
How to water and fertilize?
It is necessary to moisten the soil in the pot often, but not too much. It is not necessary to fill the flower to the state of a swamp. The soil should dry out a little between waterings.
Using fertilizer too much can harm Dieffenbachia, which is growing well. It is enough to feed her 3 times a month with a week break, using for this complex preparations... In this case, the dosage of top dressing must be halved the recommended rate.
Fertilizers should not contain lime.
Why prune and replant?
Like all dieffenbachia, Camilla loses its lower leaves with age, so dry and sluggish foliage should be promptly removed. In addition, the flower is fast growing, and periodic pruning will help contain its tendency to climb up and form a lush bush.
Pruning must be done with gloves, as the plant sap is poisonous.
A young growing flower should be transplanted annually into a more spacious flowerpot, while changing the substrate to a fresh one.