New and old grape varieties (part 2)

Ripens grapes in the fields The grape varieties presented in this part of the article will be an excellent addition to the plants already available on the garden plot. Brief characteristics of yield, disease resistance will help you make your choice.

Baikonur grapes

Baikonur grapes

The hybrid form of the very attractive Baikonur grape was the result of the selection work of E.G. Pavlovsky. The parents of this early ripening grape were Beauty and the Talisman. Since the form is quite new, professionals and amateurs have yet to find out the winter hardiness of the variety and its resistance to existing hazards.

But even now, growers are showing an increased interest in the grape variety, which forms vigorous bushes, on which elongated conical clusters of dark blue oblong berries appear in mid-August. The average weight of a bunch is 600 grams, but brushes weighing about a kilogram are not uncommon. Baikonur grapes themselves weigh about 12 grams and hide the fleshy pulp of a harmonious noble taste under the dense skin. After ripening, the berries do not crumble, the brushes can be stored and transported.

Grapes Straseni

Grapes StraseniThe early table grapes Strashensky of Moldavian origin are resistant to mildew and are little affected by pests dangerous for the culture, but against gray rot and mealy bush bushes require increased protection. This grape variety does not differ in its ability to endure the frosty winters of the Russian central zone. With an average vigor of growth, the vine ripens well by the end of the growing season. The shoots are strong enough, about one and a half kilograms of berries ripen on each. However, given the large sizes of brushes weighing from 600 to 5000 grams, it is important to ensure normalization of the ovary and help the bush.

The Strashensky grape stands out for its high marketability of attractive loose clusters, strewn with rounded or slightly oval berries of a dark purple hue. In this case, the size of the fruit reaches 2.5 cm, and the weight is 12 grams. After ripening, it is important to immediately remove the brushes from the vine, the variety does not differ in storage capacity, therefore, berries with excellent taste characteristics should be eaten without delay.

Bazhena grapes

Bazhena grapesA hybrid form of grapes obtained as a result of amateur crossing grapes Arcadia and varieties Gift to Zaporozhye. The Bazhena grape obtained in Ukraine ripens within 100-110 days, has an excellent rooting ability, according to statistics, the shoots in most cases ripen at 80% of their length. In Russian conditions, one cannot do without a winter shelter for vines that endure frosts only up to –21 ºC.

Bazhena grapes amicably pollinated and forms a lot of ovary. Full-weight cylindrical-conical brushes of this variety can have a mass of about 1500 grams. The density of the bunches is average, the berries are elongated, ovoid, with a thin skin that does not affect the perception of taste and a pronounced aroma. The weight of one translucent yellow berry can reach 15 grams.

Helios grapes

Helios grapesHigh-yielding grapes Helios of V.N. Due to the amazing similarity of appearance and attractive pink-lilac color of berries, Kraynova is often called pink Arcadia. The hybrid is resistant to true and downy mildew at the level of 3.5 points, rarely suffers from attacks by wasps and other insects, and withstands winter frosts down to –23 ºC.It takes 110 days to fully ripen the berries of the variety. Plants quickly form bushes ready for fruiting, have decent growth vigor and ripeness of the shoots formed during the season.

Helios grapes have a massive cylindro-conical brush. With an average density, such a bunch can weigh from 500 to 1000 grams and consist of even egg-shaped berries weighing 7-15 grams. Even in unfavorable years, the variety does not show signs of pea, the berries do not crack and are distinguished by an excellent taste of fleshy-juicy pulp with a nutmeg flavor and aroma characteristic of Helios grapes.

Gala grapes

Gala grapesGala grapes of early ripening of Ukrainian origin were obtained from a couple of famous table varieties Codryanka and Gift to Zaporozhye. It takes 110-115 days for a large oval berry to fully ripen, while the bushes give a good annual growth, the cuttings of this variety take root easily, and the shoots ripen. Given the potentially high yield and the ability to form an ovary together, Gala grapes require timely rationing, since an excessive load on the bushes will certainly affect the size of the berries and their taste.

The grapes have a decent immunity against mildew and oidium, but they only tolerate cold temperatures down to –21 ° C. Large clusters consist of even berries weighing from 7 to 12 grams. There were no signs of peas on this variety, but with an excess of moisture at the ripening stage, the berries can crack. The weight of a bunch of Gala grapes varies from 500 to 900 grams, with a successful combination of circumstances, the bushes form clusters even up to 2 kg in weight.

Volzhsky grapes

Volzhsky grapesThe Volzhsky table grape variety of Russian selection has an average ripening period, that is, its berries should be expected in the last days of August or in September. The grapes show the best results with long pruning of vines, while the bushes require careful protection from common diseases and winter shelter.

Volzhsky grapes form very large clusters of medium or high density. The berries are quite sugary, have a pronounced taste and delicate texture. When ripe, large oval berries vary in color from blue to almost black.

Grape Agate Donskoy

Grape Agate DonskoyGrape Agat Donskoy or, as this variety is also called, Vityaz has a high resistance to disease and frost, withstanding temperature drops down to -26 ° C. There is experience of growing this variety without additional shelter in regions where grapes are traditionally cultivated only in a cover culture. Bushes varieties of Russian selection are distinguished by good growth force and consistently high yields. If you suspect an excessive load on the vine, you should resort to normalizing the brushes and thinning the growth. From the appearance of the first foliage on the Agat Donskoy grapes to the ripening of the berries, 116–120 days pass.

The bunches of this variety have a moderate density, pronounced conical shape and an average weight of 400–700 grams. Weighing 4 - 5 grams, oval or round berries have a diameter of 2.2 cm, fleshy pulp and a pleasant simple taste.

Levokumsky grape

Levokumsky grapeThe Levokumsky grape, which belongs to technical varieties, gives a harvest by the end of summer. A distinctive feature of this tried and tested variety is its excellent frost tolerance down to –27 ° C, as well as rare damage to the Levokumsky vine by rot and downy mildew. Due to their unpretentiousness and winter hardiness, grapes in their own rooted culture perfectly wait out the cold season without additional protection.

Medium-dense clusters of this variety cannot be called large, their weight does not exceed 120-150 grams, the mass of berries is also small, only 1.3-1.5 grams. The color of grapes Levokumsky black, juicy consistency, a lot of sugar in the taste.

Galben Nou grapes

Galben Nou grapesThe Galbena nou grape, known to wine lovers as Zolotinka, is a table variety and ripens in 105–120 days.The grape varieties Korinka Russian and Frumoasa Albe served as the source material for Russian breeders. As a result, the resulting variety acquired good growth vigor, excellent ripening of the shoots of the first year of life and a decent rooting ability. Plants of the variety are resistant to downy mildew and rot, tolerate temperatures as low as –25 ° C.

Already 2-3 years after planting, Galbena nou bushes form the first clusters. The weight of branched broad-conical clusters on mature bushes ranges from 400 to 800 grams. The density of the brushes is low, the berries with an average weight of 8 grams are distinguished by a slightly oval shape, even in size and a pleasant amber or yellowish color. The consistency of Galbena nou grapes is fleshy, the taste in mature form is distinguished by pronounced nutmeg notes.

Grapes ladies fingers

Grapes ladies fingersGrape Ladies fingers or, as the variety is called at home, in Uzbekistan, Husayne white, is a delicious table grape, widespread not only in the Central Asian republics, but also in China and Iran. There is experience in growing this thermophilic variety in the southern regions of Russia, but success is hindered by a solid ripening period of 126–140 days, low frost resistance, which is only –11 ° C, and poor maturation of the vine. In addition, the Ladies Fingers grape does not have any serious protection against crop diseases.

Outstanding conical brushes are very large, in length can reach 40-50 cm, and in width up to 25 cm. The main pride of the variety is a cylindrical large berry, yellowish-green or pinkish in color. The skin of the grape fruit Ladies fingers is very thin, the flesh is crispy, juicy, with the highest sugar content. The desire to get equally beautiful berries on bushes more adapted to growing in the conditions of the Kuban, Chernozem and the middle zone led to the development of many new varieties and hybrid forms of white, pink, red and black color.

Blagovest grapes

Blagovest grapesFrom the crossing of grapes Talisman and varieties Kishimsh radiant V.N. Krainov obtained Blagovest grapes with a short ripening period and excellent yield. Ripening of annual shoots in Blagovest grapes is good, resistance to fungal infections and rot is average. When grown in most regions of Russia, bushes of this variety require winter shelter.

Subject to the rules of agricultural technology and good care, in the middle of August, elongated clusters of this grape variety are ready for harvest, while the weight of one bunch varies between 600 and 1200 grams. The berries are oval, white or greenish. The average weight of Blagovest grapes is 9–12 grams. The consistency is dense with a good taste and a pleasant nutmeg tone in the aroma.

Grapes Centenary of ZSTU

Grapes Centenary of ZSTUThe crossing of Delight and the Gift by Zaporozhye gave Ukrainian breeders a new hybrid form of grapes. Century of ZSTU. This table variety ripens in medium terms, has an average resistance to infection by pathogenic fungi, does not freeze during frosts down to –24 ° C. The vine grows rapidly, although even in Ukraine, one should not expect good ripening of the shoots.

Dense broad-conical brushes weighing about 700 grams are formed on the bushes. White berries of grapes A century of ZSTU in the sun get a brownish or amber tan. The consistency of large berries with a loose skin is fleshy. The taste is pleasant, with good sugar content and low acidity.

Seedless Grape Century

Seedless Grape CenturySeedless grape Centennial Seedless is a fairly well-known variety not only in the USA, but all over the world, grown in the southern regions of Russia.

Grapes The seedless century refers to early ripening varieties... Every year, unvaccinated plants give good growth and bear fruit stably, but not abundantly. On average, a brush weighs up to 500 grams, and the mass of berries is 3-4 grams.To get a large berry, growers resort to rationing of brushes and ringing. As the berries ripen, they acquire a yellow-green color, the flesh becomes juicy and crispy, and nutmeg tones appear in the taste.

With a set of 16% sugar, harvesting of berries is recommended, since the further stay of the brushes on the vine threatens to shatter the crop.

Rumba grape

Rumba grapeRumba grapes by V.U. Kapelyushny is characterized by an early ripening period of 95 - 105 days. Parents of the steel grade grade Delight and Charrel grapes, from which Rumba got a high vigor, and the length of new shoots in good years reaches 5-6 meters. Rumba shows especially good results on vigorous rootstocks.

The bushes are quite powerful and can withstand up to 45 buds. Rumba grapes rarely suffer from fungal diseases and tolerate winters with temperatures down to -25 ºС without loss. Bunches of these table grapes can weigh from 700 to 1100 grams, are moderately dense and have an attractive conical shape. Large nipple-shaped berries of this variety stand out for their pink color and delicious, fleshy-juicy pulp with a high sugar content and a bright aroma. Wasps hardly harm the harvest of Rumba grapes; berries do not suffer during storage and transportation.

Ruby Jubilee Grape

Ruby Jubilee GrapeHybrid grapes Ruby Jubilee received by V.N. Extreme and attracts winegrowers with amicable ovary formation and large cylindrical or cylindrical-conical clusters weighing from 600 to 900 grams. The bushes are compact, with good vigor and disease resistance.

Oval Ruby Jubilee grapes, pink with a lilac waxy bloom, are ready to eat at the end of August. The average fruit weight is 10–12 grams, the taste of the hybrid is very high, the pulp contains a lot of sugar, juicy but not liquid. Muscat flavor intensifies as it ripens.

Video about grape varieties and hybrids


