What the description of the Ekrannoe apple tree will tell us about

screen description of apple variety The description of the Ekrannoe apple variety informs us about the high yield, large size, attractive appearance and excellent taste of the fruits. The undoubted advantages of the variety are the simplicity of cultivation and unpretentious care, resistance to diseases and good keeping quality of apples, reaching 5-6 months.

Description of apple varieties Screen

hybrid apple variety screen

Yablonya Ekrannoe is a hybrid variety, bred in 2002 at the Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station under the leadership of L.A. Kotov. It was the result of crossing the varieties Yantar, Zvezdochka, Orange and Samotsvet.

In the description of the Ekrannoe apple variety, its high frost resistance is indicated - it was bred specifically for growing in the Urals and other regions with a cold, harsh climate. Screen is a versatile variety, it also perfectly tolerates the southern climate.frost-resistant apple variety

The main characteristics of the Screen apple tree:

  1. The tree is fast growing and reaches 2.7-3 m in height.
  2. The crown is round and spreading, rather thick, requiring pruning to shape.
  3. The branches are thin, curved, rounded, in the lower part of the tree they rise up and grow perpendicular to the trunk. Shoots are covered with smooth, brownish-brown bark, which can have a greenish tint.
  4. Leaves of medium size, round or oval, dark green in color, located on long petioles. The leaf plate is covered with thin veins, the upper part of the leaf is pointed, serrated teeth are located along the edges.
  5. Apple buds are medium-sized, cream-colored, flowers are snow-white pink, bowl-shaped.
  6. From one tree, you can get up to 25 kg of fruits per season. There are cases when gardeners managed to get 50-65 kg of harvest from the Ekrannoe apple tree.

large apple varieties screenFruits are medium to large in size, regular round shape, with a smooth, glossy rind. Apples are greenish with a purple or scarlet blush. The average weight of the fruit is 90-100 g. The flesh of apples is creamy, firm and juicy. The taste is pleasant, delicate, sweet and sour.

The Ekrannoe apple tree begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting the seedling in open soil. The harvest ripens in the second half of August or early September. The fruits have a long shelf life - up to 5-6 months.

Soil requirements

preparation of the landing pitPlanting and caring for the Ekrannoe apple tree does not cause any difficulties even for novice gardeners. There are no strict requirements for soil and climatic conditions - they are determined by standard rules. Saplings take root well both in spring and autumn. Planting in cool and cloudy weather is considered optimal.

The Ekrannoe apple tree is unpretentious to the soil, but it is desirable that it be slightly acidic. For planting trees, sunny areas with good ventilation and no drafts are chosen. The tree does not like high groundwater levels, wetlands, as well as the proximity of open water bodies.

Step-by-step planting of apple trees Screen

stages of planting a seedlingBefore planting, carefully inspect the seedling, remove all damaged and rotten fragments of roots and shoots. In order for it to take root quickly, there must be dormant buds and a healthy root system. Sprinkle the cut points with crushed coal.

Stages of planting a seedling:

  1. Prepare the holes 2-3 weeks before planting - their size should be about 50-80 cm, depending on the size of the root system.
  2. Mix the top layer of fertile soil with fertilizers and pour back into the hole, pour 2 buckets of water.
  3. At the bottom of the hole, pour a layer of drainage 15-20 cm thick.It can be a nutshell, broken brick, gravel, vermiculite.
  4. If the roots of the seedlings have dried out a little during storage, lower them for 6-8 hours in a bucket of water.
  5. Place the seedling vertically and straighten the roots - the root collar (grafting site) should protrude 5-8 cm above the soil surface.correct placement of the seedling
  6. For additional support, drive a 1.5m peg into the bottom of the hole and tie a young seedling to it.

After that, sprinkle the roots with soil and lightly tamp. Pour 3-4 buckets of water and mulch with chopped grass, compost or humus.

Basic rules of care

apple tree care in the gardenIn the description of the Ekrannaya apple variety, standard tree care measures are indicated, including watering, mulching, disease and pest control, as well as their prevention.

Top dressing

application of organic fertilizersThe first feeding of the Screen apple tree can be carried out already in mid-April. For this purpose, organic fertilizers are used - for example, mix 2.5 buckets of humus with 250 ml of urea. Spread the resulting mixture in a near-trunk circle like mulch, retreating from the trunk about 50 cm.

After 4-5 weeks, you can spray the apple tree with a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon of sodium humate and a bucket of water. Each tree will need a bucket of mortar.

During the flowering period, the Screen apple tree is fed with a composition prepared from the following components:

  • potassium sulfate - 200 g;
  • superphosphate - 250 g;
  • urea - 160 g;
  • water - 5 buckets.

Stir all the ingredients and leave to infuse for 7 days in a dark and dry place, then use to feed the apple trees (4 buckets for each tree).

Loosening the soil and watering

watering a young treeIn the absence of rainfall in the spring months, the Ekrannoe apple tree needs regular watering. Pour a bucket of water under each tree every week for 6 weeks, after which the number of waterings is reduced to 1 time in 3 weeks. With prolonged drought, apple trees need to be watered more abundantly - 2 buckets of water every 2 weeks.

trunk circle mulchingAfter watering, be sure to mulch the tree trunk circle using vermicompost, rotted manure, chopped grass or straw, compost. Mulch creates optimal breeding conditions for beneficial worms, which loosen the soil and inhibit weed growth.

Disease and pest control

For the prevention of fungal diseases and insects in the spring, spraying of Ekrannoe apple trees is carried out using a solution prepared from 700 g of urea and 1 bucket of water. Trees are sprayed only before bud break, otherwise the solution will burn them.

After the end of the flowering of apple trees, a second preventive treatment is carried out against diseases and pests. For this, the trees are sprayed with a 10% solution of Karbofos or Actellik.

The Ekrannoe variety is highly resistant to scab, but in years with high humidity, trees need preventive treatments against scab and powdery mildew.

Frost protection

screen description of apple varietyThe variety is frost-resistant - it can easily withstand air temperatures down to -28 ° C. For more reliable protection against frost, mulch the trunk circle. As mulch, you can use a mixture of compost and peat, coniferous branches. The tree trunks must be whitewashed and tied to protect the apple trees from mice and hares.

Screen is a versatile apple variety that is great for growing in regions with both cold and warm climates. It is distinguished by high yield, good resistance to frost, diseases and pests. Growing and caring for the Ekrannoe apple tree is not particularly difficult, which made it very popular among novice gardeners.

Video description of the Screen apple variety


