The drug "Amulet" for plants: instructions for use
The preparation "Amulet" for plants, the instructions for use of which are indicated on the packaging, proves its harmlessness and effectiveness. It is a unique product with many benefits. When used correctly, getting the most out of it shouldn't be difficult.
"Amulet": characteristics of the drug
If used correctly, "Amulet" is able to increase the yield up to 30%.
Plant development and growth processes are fully dependent on phytohormones.
There are five of them:
- auxin;
- ethylene;
- gibberellin;
- abscisic acid;
- cytokinin.
They may not always function as they would like. In this regard, special drugs have been developed to replace them. One of these drugs is "Amulet". The composition affects the immunity of the plant, strengthens it and makes it resistant to diseases, pests and adverse factors. The product helps the seeds to germinate faster and also increases the yield. The drug has an especially good effect on the fertility of cereals and vegetables.
Application of the product at the summer cottage
The drug "Oberig" can be used both in a farm and in growing plants for personal needs. Good for fruit trees, vegetables. The drug is completely safe for humans and animals. No traces remain on the plants after spraying. The drug is odorless.
Immunity stimulator for plants "Amulet" can be used with different types of fertilizers.
Mechanism of action and active ingredient of the drug
The preparation contains vitamin F and polyunsaturated fatty acid. The substance, even in small quantities, has the desired effect. The acid is absolutely safe for the plant, it also does not harm the surrounding world. It is obtained from algae.
When the active substance of the drug penetrates into the plant, the synthesis of phytoalexins begins. After that, the protective properties of plants are activated, as a result of which immunity improves, as well as resistance to diseases and pests.
"Amulet" for plants: instructions for use
It is advisable to use the "amulet" preparation during the growing season, when buds begin to form. In addition to the upper part of the plants, bulbs, tubers and seeds are subject to processing. Take 1 ml of the drug in a bucket of water. After thorough mixing, the solution should be used within an hour. It does not store, so cook as much as you need to spray. For processing, prepare a special device that creates fine drip irrigation. A bucket of solution is enough for a hundred square meters of land. A hectare of plantings will require 300 liters of the substance. Seed treatment consists of immersing them in a solution and placing them in a dark place for three days. For 1 g of seeds, we take 2 ml of the prepared liquid.
Preparation of vegetables and berries
Before planting potatoes, to improve its immunity, the tubers should be carefully processed. For 100 kg of vegetables, you will need 1 liter of a diluted solution. The tubers are soaked in liquid for several hours, after which they are planted.
Cabbage is sprayed with the drug during the flowering period and when the head of cabbage is tied. 100 m2 you need 3 liters of solution. This volume is enough for the same area of onions and potatoes. Cucumbers sprayed with the composition twice - during the appearance of the first leaves and at the time of flowering. Peas are processed after germination and during flowering.
Currants can also be sprayed with a solution based on "Amulet". This is done with the appearance of the first buds and a month after flowering. For peas, cucumbers, bushes, the consumption of the drug will be similar to its use for potatoes, carrots, onions.
Before planting onions, it is also worth processing the set. For 1 kg of planting material, 7 ml of solution will be needed. Sevok is soaked for 1-2 hours. As a rule, for the processing of vegetable crops, the drug is used twice a season - during the growing season and at the end of flowering.
Spraying strawberries has a number of features. The first processing of the bushes is carried out before flowering, and the second time the procedure is carried out three weeks after the first. The amount of the drug will be required exactly the same as for the currant bush.
"Oberig" is widely used for the treatment of grape bushes. The first stage of spraying falls on the period of bud formation, and the second exactly three weeks later.
Apple trees will require 10 liters of solution per 100 m2 plantings. The drug is applied to the leaves by spraying. The first stage occurs during flowering, and the second one month after the previous one.
Observing the instructions for using the growth regulator "Amulet", you can get a bountiful and high-quality harvest. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the instructions for use.