Sea buckthorn oil: medicinal properties and rules of use for health
The benefits of sea buckthorn have been known since the reign of the kings. Today, sea buckthorn oil is mainly used, the medicinal properties of which are important for maintaining health and beauty. Valuable sea buckthorn oil is rich in nutrients important for the whole body. It is not surprising that the oil is widely used both in medicine and in cosmetic products.
Read also about the use of sea buckthorn candles!
Get to know me
Sea buckthorn oil is an oily liquid with an orange-red color and a characteristic odor.
The main advantage of the product is the balance of all the useful components contained in it, which enhance the action of each other. This property is explained by synergism. The composition includes: fruit acid, ascorbic acid, fatty Omega 3,6,9 acids, pectins, salicylic acid, vitamins (E, B1,2,3,6,9, K, P), carotenoids, succinic acid, trace elements (calcium , silicon, iron, magnesium, molybdenum).
The oil has found wide application. So it is used:
- With radiation injuries.
- Gastroenterology uses the healing properties of sea buckthorn oil for the stomach, for duodenal ulcers, for the treatment of the esophagus in an erosive-ulcerative state.
- In the treatment of mucous membranes and burns of the skin.
- The drug has proven itself well during the treatment of cracks in the rectum and hemorrhoids.
- In gynecology for the treatment of endocervicitis, eroded cervix, colpitis.
Also, sea buckthorn oil is a find in the world of cosmetology. Read the article: sea buckthorn tea recipe.
Questions of special importance
Before moving on to the rules for using oil, let's talk about some of the nuances of using sea buckthorn berries.
For women in position and nursing babies, the remedy is prescribed only if the woman receives benefits incomparable with the risk to the child.
If we talk about the interaction of sea buckthorn with other drugs, then no pathological effect on the body was found.
With uncontrolled consumption of sea buckthorn oil, the following symptoms may occur: vomiting, loss of consciousness, diarrhea, epithelial desquamation, nausea, headache, convulsions, and a rash on the skin. Shocks and oliguria can sometimes develop.
If shock occurs, the victim should be given gastric lavage, absorbents (such as activated charcoal) to drink and treatment to eliminate symptoms.
How to apply in medicine
You can prepare the oil yourself or purchase it at the pharmacy. The second option is preferable, since in this case the product will be ready-made and completely sterile. It is used externally, externally and even as inhalation. Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of sea buckthorn oil, and how to take it.
Before deciding to do any of the procedures described below, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.
Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology
With endocervicitis and colpitis, tampons are moistened in oil, and then the inside of the vagina, the vaginal area, and also the cervical canal are lubricated. For the first disease, the course of treatment is 10-15 procedures, for the second - 8-12.
In the case of an eroded cervix, treatment is carried out by inserting a tampon soaked in sea buckthorn oil into the vagina, tightly sliding it to the damaged surface. Tampons should be changed daily. The duration of treatment is 8-12 procedures.
If longer therapy is required, then it is extended for another 4-6 weeks.
Gastroenterology and Proctology
With ulcerative changes in the duodenum and stomach, as well as diseases of the esophagus, with gastritis, sea buckthorn oil should be drunk 1 tsp. 2-3 / day. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course should be repeated after 1-1.5 months.
To heal cracks in the anus and alleviate the condition with hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil, they lubricate the diseased areas, after applying it to cotton swabs.
If pathological processes occur in the rectum, a cleansing enema should be done, and then microclysters with oil should be introduced. This therapy is performed 10-12 times. You can consolidate the result obtained by re-treatment after 4-6 weeks.
Respiratory tract and dermatology
But for the treatment of respiratory diseases, the inhalation method is used. Moreover, strictly in the hospital and under the vigilant supervision of medical personnel.
To eliminate skin problems, the lesion sites are cleaned of dead particles, the oil is applied to gauze dressings and applied to the focal areas. The frequency of dressing changes is every other day, until the tissue is restored.
Sea buckthorn oil: healing properties for snoring
It is possible to treat snoring not only with expensive pharmaceuticals, which, by the way, do not always give the desired result. Traditional healers recommend using sea buckthorn oil to eliminate the problem. The unique composition of the product will help to strengthen blood vessels, fill the body with trace elements and vitamins, which will be the beginning of getting rid of snoring.
For application, you can choose both cold and hot-pressed oil. It is necessary to buy sea buckthorn oil at a pharmacy. The composition is prescribed on the label. It is necessary to choose a product without any additional concentrates, fragrances and dyes.
Sea buckthorn essential oils cannot be used to treat snoring. They can damage the lining of the nasopharynx, burn the nasal cavity or cause an allergic reaction.
A pipette is required for the correct dosage of oil. If the patient has a runny nose, you must first rinse the nasal cavity and get rid of mucus. The sinuses must be clean and free to get the desired effect.
Pour some oil into a pipette and add 3 drops to each nostril. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed every day. Stop using oil after obtaining a stable result.
Already after the first use of the oil, relief comes, sleep becomes restful, and snoring is significantly reduced.
Ophthalmology, ENT diseases and dentistry
Sea buckthorn oil is also used to treat vision problems, subject to strict medical advice and only under medical supervision.
With such otolaryngic diseases as tonsillitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, occurring in a chronic form, cotton swabs should be well moistened in sea buckthorn oil, and then the tonsils and pharynx should be treated.
In the fight against chronic sinusitis, the following manipulations will help. Tampons or large turundas are twisted from gauze, moistened in sea buckthorn oil and inserted into the nose, not forgetting to first clean it. To get the result, you need to do 8-10 procedures. If the state of health requires, then a second course is carried out after 4-6 weeks.
The oral cavity is often exposed to various diseases. Nasty stomatitis is cured if you lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil or apply a napkin soaked in oil to the sores for a quarter of an hour. The main thing after the procedure is not to eat for about an hour.
To get rid of bleeding gums, you should put compresses with oil on them.
Such a procedure will only eliminate the bleeding, but will not eliminate the cause of its appearance. Therefore, a dentist's consultation is necessary.
Exactly the same activities can be carried out for children, only in this case it is necessary to take into account the possibility of allergies.
Lose weight with sea buckthorn oil
Only macadamia oil and sea buckthorn oil contain palmitoleic fatty acid that can burn body fat. In addition, there is a blockage of the accumulation of new deposits. With the help of a unique remedy, a person not only loses weight, but also rejuvenates his body.
To obtain the desired result, use pure sea buckthorn oil or in gelatin capsules. It is necessary to use sea buckthorn oil starting from ½ tsp. After 7 days, increase the dose by another ½ tsp. The maximum dose is a tablespoon.
A unique composition based on sea buckthorn oil with additional components works great.
To prepare the product you will need:
- 2 liters of clean boiled water;
- 0.5 liters of sea buckthorn oil and linden honey;
- 50 g live yeast.
Cooking process:
- In a saucepan, combine honey, oil and water. Put on a low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
- As soon as the mixture boils, remove the pan from the heat.
- Add yeast to the cooled warm mixture. Keep in a warm place to start fermentation for 12 hours.
- Pour the composition into a bottle and put it in a dark place for 30 days.
Drink an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and in the evening.
A unique remedy can be taken for weight loss only if there are no problems with the liver and genitourinary system.
Application in cosmetology
The cosmetic industry is constantly using the sea buckthorn product, including in various care products. Consider the instructions for using sea buckthorn oil in cosmetology.
Sea buckthorn oil - medicinal properties for hair
Using sea buckthorn oil for hair brings very noticeable results:
- The volume increases.
- Eliminates seborrhea and dandruff.
- The amount of hair loss is reduced.
- Lifeless curls become healthier.
- The hairstyle becomes thick and splendid.
- Curls strengthen and grow faster.
- The number of split ends at the hair ends is reduced.
- The curls become silky, manageable and shiny.
- The oil protects the hair from external influences.
The use of sea buckthorn oil is possible as an independent product, as well as as masks, or in combination with other medicinal products that only enhance its effect.
The most popular hair beauty recipes are:
- To combat split ends, mix sea buckthorn and olive oil in equal parts and apply to the ends of the curls.
- To restore the strands, you should take one yolk, add 2 tbsp. l. kefir, as well as sea buckthorn and honey oil, 1 tsp. After thoroughly mixing the mass, apply it to the hair.
- For the growth of curls and the elimination of dandruff, it is recommended to rub the oil into the scalp 2 times / week.
Nail health and skin beauty
Nails strongly react to the lack of nutrients in the body and become brittle, dull, and stratified. Daily rubbing of oil into the nail plates and the skin around them can help with the problem.
With sea buckthorn, the skin of the face overcomes all the difficulties of age: flabbiness, lethargy, wrinkles. That is why it is a frequent ingredient for masks, creams, and various products, especially for aging skin. As a result, it acquires tone, youth, elasticity, and loses fine wrinkles.
Strong pigmentation or a lot of freckles? You can whiten them with oil.
Sea buckthorn is also important for flaky, prone to dryness, problem and rough skin. To improve her condition, add 2-3 drops of oil directly to a portion of the cream and apply on the face.
Eyelash beauty
Eyelashes give expressive look.And sea buckthorn oil is an indispensable tool for their nutrition, softening and fluffy appearance. All you need is to apply sea buckthorn oil every day before going to bed, rubbing it between your fingers.
You can use the oil in its pure form, or you can use it in combination with castor oil by mixing them in the same ratio. Such a tandem will be much more useful.
Sea buckthorn oil - medicinal properties and harm
Despite the medicinal properties of sea buckthorn oil, there are also contraindications to its use.
So, it is strictly forbidden to use it when:
- diarrhea;
- cholecystitis in acute form;
- liver diseases;
- allergies to sea buckthorn itself;
- hepatitis;
- pancreatitis;
- diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas.
If a person has any chronic diseases in the acute stage, the oil can be used only after consulting a doctor. Sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy. When used wisely, you can maintain your health and beauty.