We treat the garden with insecticides - a list of popular drugs

We have a small garden at our dacha, but this year it did not please us with the harvest. On the apple trees the leaves were twisting, the plums were wormy, and there was nothing to say about peaches. Of course, they are largely to blame, because they were sick and often could not come to work the trees. We hope that health will not let you down next season and it will be possible to save the harvest. Please provide a list of the most effective garden preparations from the field of insecticides. I would like to get rid of pests.

insecticides Pest control plays an important role in gardening. Even with proper care, garden crops are often attacked by harmful insects that come from the neighboring area. They not only eat the leaves, depriving plants of food, but also spoil the future harvest.

To protect the garden and take care of the future harvest of fruits and berries, it is necessary to process the planting in a timely manner for prevention and begin to destroy pests even in the initial stages, until they began to multiply. Today there is a very large selection of insecticides, and the list of garden preparations can be listed for a very long time.

From the practice of gardeners, some of the most effective insecticides are:

  • Akarin;
  • Engio;
  • Decis;
  • Calypso.

Whichever drug is used, it is important to remember that the processing of trees and shrubs must be stopped before harvesting, otherwise it becomes unusable and dangerous for consumption. The timing of the last treatment depends on the specific insecticide: some products can be used up to 3 days before harvesting, while others - no later than two weeks before it.


A biological product that has a double effect both when directly hitting insects and when they eat leaves. Maximum efficiency is achieved in hot weather, while it is completely washed off when it rains.

The leaves are sprayed on both sides with a working solution, the concentration of which depends on the specific pest. For 1 liter of water, add from 2 to 6 ml of insecticide.

The advantage of Akarin is its rapid decomposition - after 3 days, fruits or berries can be eaten.


Systemic contact insecticide with long-term protection (up to 20 days after treatment). For spraying, dilute 1 package (3.6 ml) in a bucket of water. Two sprays are enough per season.

Of the advantages of the drug, it is worth that when it gets into the soil, it penetrates into the root system, protecting it from pests.


Effective against most pests, as well as their larvae. It works for two weeks without accumulating in the ground. During the season, two treatments are carried out before flowering, diluting 1 g of insecticide in a bucket of water.


For a long time (up to 1 month) protects the apple tree and grapes from gnawing insects due to contact, systemic and intestinal effects.

Calypso practically harmless to pollinating insects.

A solution of 1 ampoule (6 ml) and a bucket of water is sprayed with plantings no more than twice a season.

Preparations against insect pests of the garden - video


