Treatment of bees with Bipin in autumn - dosage and timing of the procedure

Tell us when the bees are treated with Bipin in autumn, the dosage of the working solution. Recently I noticed a couple of strange insects, they had very small wings and some kind of dark spots near them on the body. I called a familiar beekeeper, he said that it was ticks and advised Bipin. How many times do they need to process the hives and will this affect the quality of the honey?

treatment of bees with bipin in autumn dosage Bees die not only from low-quality pesticides that are sprayed on agricultural fields. Pests, such as ticks, are no less dangerous for them. To get rid of insects that kill honey plants, the treatment of bees with Bipin in the fall will help, the dosage of the solution and the timing of its implementation are very important. If done correctly, neither bees nor honey will suffer. Excess concentration and untimely processing of the hives can destroy the apiary.

Brief characteristics of the drug


Bipin is an acaricidal pest drug used in beekeeping, agriculture and animal husbandry. Its active ingredient is amitraz. When it comes into contact with pests, it is transmitted by contact and causes paralysis of the lower limbs. Ticks cannot stick to the "host", respectively, they remain without a food source, fall off and die.

Bipin is sold in the form of a concentrated yellowish solution that smells a little like naphthalene. The solution is packaged in glass ampoules with a volume of 0.5 and 1 ml.

When to process an apiary in autumn

bipin processing timeAutumn is the best time to process the hives, since all the honey has already been collected, and the brood cells are already sealed. But even if some of the honey is left to feed the bees, Bipin will not affect them. The same goes for artificial feeding if all honey is collected. They can be carried out after treatment with acaricide.

The only limitation is that the air temperature must be below 5 ° C, otherwise the bees will freeze. In addition, it is not recommended to spray with Bipin hives, in which there are less than 5 streets, or sick bees. In the first case, there is a risk of overdose due to the small number of "inhabitants". And in the second, weakened insects may also not survive the procedure.

Processing must be carried out in the morning or in the evening, when all the bees are in hives.

Treatment of bees with Bipin in autumn - dosage and methods

Before processing, prepare a solution by diluting 1 ml of the drug in 2 liters of warm water. It turns out a mixture of milky color. Do not exceed the dosage as this will kill the bees. But there is no point in making the solution weaker either - then it simply will not work.

The finished solution can be stored in a closed container for no more than 24 hours.

There are three ways to process the apiary:

  1. With a syringe. The solution is drawn into a syringe and spilled into the streets (between the frames).syringe treatment
  2. An ordinary plastic bottle. A hole is made in the lid and the streets are shed in the same way.bottle processing
  3. Smoke cannon. In this case, the cannon is filled with kerosene and Bipin is added in a 25: 1 ratio. For example, 100 ml of kerosene requires 4 ml of the drug. Then the nozzle is introduced into the notch (lower) and pressed 2 times, pumping smoke into the hive.smoke gun treatment

A single autumn processing of the apiary is enough. If necessary, re-processing is carried out in the spring.

How to treat hives with Bipin in autumn


