Processing roses in the fall before sheltering for the winter - winter feeding and disease prevention
The most important time for a rose garden is by no means spring, but the wintering period. Not only future flowering, but the overall health of plants depends on how the plants survive it. Processing roses in the fall before sheltering for the winter is one of the important preparatory procedures. Of course, it is the shelter that is the most reliable protection of roses from frost and sudden changes in temperature during the transitional seasons. But if the roses are sick or pests have settled on them, then they will be weakened. In order to prevent freezing and loss of the rose garden, it must be treated at the end of the growing season.
Processing roses in the fall before sheltering for the winter
- autumn feeding of plants with special fertilizers that will strengthen them and stimulate the laying of flower buds;
- preventive treatment against diseases and pests.
The sequence of procedures is as follows: the bushes are first fed, then cut off. Then they are processed for disinfection and prevention, and only then, in the last turn, are they covered.
When and how to feed roses in autumn
If at the beginning of the season plants need nitrogen, then at the end - potassium and phosphorus. These elements are responsible for both future flowering and good winter hardiness. Autumn dressings are carried out in the last days of September - early October. It is best to apply fertilizers at the root when watering or dry, embedding them in the soil.
For these purposes, you can use organic matter (ash, compost), as well as such mineral preparations:
- superphosphate;
- potassium sulfate;
- potassium magnesium;
- ready-made mineral complexes from different companies.
As for nitrogen fertilizers, the maximum when they can be applied for the last time is mid-August.
How to treat roses from diseases
A good protective and healing effect is given by spraying the bushes with Bordeaux liquid. But if preparations containing copper have already been used during the season, it is better to replace them with other fungicides, for example:
- Fundazol;
- Fitosporin;
- Topaz;
- Speed;
- Hom.
Some gardeners prefer only natural folk remedies. However, they are only good for prevention, and ash infusion is the best. If there are serious problems, then it is safer to get rid of fungi with the help of fungicides. And from mass destruction by pests - insecticides.