Wheat seed treatment before sowing

good wheat harvest Wheat is one of the three "world breads". It is grown in 40 countries of the world, and in 12 of them this cereal crop is the main food product. Wheat is used to make flour for bakery products, wheat is used in the preparation of dishes in many countries of the world.

In order to get a good harvest of wheat, it is necessary to process the seed against fungal diseases and pests.

Treatment for fungal diseases

According to statistics in 1 m2 soil contains from two to six billion microorganisms. Most of them are causative agents of fungal diseases.

Settling on plants, fungi attack the wheat root system or the aboveground part of the cereal crop. There are some types of mold that affect only the ear of grain and appear at the stage of tube formation.

That is why it is necessary to treat grain with fungicides. It is better to do the treatment before sowing seeds in the ground. This will increase the effectiveness of the antifungal drugs.

The fungicide treatment must be repeated a week after the appearance of the first shoots, as well as during the active growing season. Preventive treatment for fungal diseases is much more effective than treatment of already infected plants.

Wheat is affected by such fungal diseases:

  • rust;
  • white rot;
  • downy mildew.

It is also effective to use a tank mixture, which will include insecticides. This will protect crops from pests.

Pest control

The most dangerous pests for cereals are wheat thrips. They affect young sprouts of cereals. During the formation of an ear, these pests gnaw through its hard shell and feed on the grains until they ripen. This reduces the yield by at least 25%, and also significantly reduces the quality of the grain.

When the preventive treatment of seeds from pests is completed, you can plant the seeds in open ground.

Long-acting insecticides are used to treat wheat from weevils or aphids. Usually these drugs are oils. Due to their consistency, insecticides are retained on the leaves and stem of the plant.

The insecticide treatment is repeated two weeks after the first shoots appear, when the insect larvae hatch. In order to get rid of the pests completely, the third treatment is carried out during the active growing season, and the fourth - during the formation of the ear.


