Treatment of apple trees from pests during the flowering period

apple tree blossoms The apple tree is most vulnerable to pests during the flowering period, however, the first processing of the tree should be carried out even when the air temperature rises to +5ABOUTC. The tree is treated with copper-containing preparations to increase the immunity of the apple tree. In May, when deciduous and flower buds begin to bloom, it is too late to do such a treatment.

If there is a neglected or abandoned garden in the vicinity of your site, then the likelihood that pests and apple tree diseases will hit your fruit trees, increases many times. Therefore, the treatment with insecticidal preparations must be done even at the stage of the rosebud.

Problems to be dealt with by processing

Pests during the period of increasing temperature, young buds, ovary and fruits are activated and begin to attack. The apple moth can strike a tree. It is a gray fly that lays eggs on the leaves of the tree. Its larvae cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they are activated 15 days after the beginning of the formation of the ovary and gnaw at young fruits. Apples can become deformed or even blacken and die. But the moth is the most harmless pest for the apple tree.

The stag beetle gnaws at the bark of tree branches and then the apple tree can dry out. The flower beetle devours fruit flowers, so the harvest dies at the stage of the pink bud.

For fruit trees, viral diseases carried by aphids pose a great danger, therefore, treatment with insecticidal preparations is very important to preserve the harvest.

If you did not manage to process the tree at the pink bud stage, then you can process the apple tree after flowering, but the processing efficiency will be lower, so the plant is treated several times during the flowering period. Treatment with insecticidal preparations is carried out from May to July. You need to finish it one month before the start of fruit collection.

What insecticides to use

Better to use a fast-acting insecticide. It is very important to find a drug that is safe for bees and earthworms. Products marked "Eco" or "Green World" can be used when insects pollinate stone fruit plants.

The insecticide must be diluted strictly according to the instructions; the norms indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer must not be exceeded, since insecticidal preparations are poisons for the destruction of pests. Exceeding the norm of the drug, you will only harm the plant.

Usually, one tree takes up to 5 liters of solution. You need to spray the plant once or twice during the fruiting season, and a properly treated apple tree will give a good harvest.


