Pruning dracaena in order to obtain side shoots - the main secrets and rules
A lush hat made of narrow long dracaena leaves looks just great, but over time, the bush loses its decorative effect. Pruning dracaena in order to obtain side shoots is a mandatory procedure for its cultivation. Only a few, bushy, plant varieties are able to branch independently. Most varieties need to be formed. Dracaena leaves live on average for about a year, and then die off, forming a beautiful pattern on the trunk at the attachment point. As a result, in just a couple of years, the once lush bush turns into a long stick with a bunch of leaves on top of its head. In addition, the stem can be bent. To preserve the decorative look and get side branches, the actual pruning is carried out.
When is the best time to cut dracaena
At the same time, this indoor palm is characterized by high growth rates. If necessary, pruning can be done at other times, even in winter. For example, in case of illness or accidental damage to the plant. You just need to make the cut place below the damaged area.
Pruning dracaena in order to obtain side shoots step by step
At the stem of this plant, dormant buds are located along its entire length in a spiral. Pruning stimulates their awakening in the cut area and the formation of new branches. When conducting it, the following rules must be observed:
- You can trim the dracaena that has reached a height of at least 30 cm.
- The height of the remaining stem depends on the desire, but it should be borne in mind that its top should be well lit. The dracaena standing on the north window can be cut lower, because there is less light in the upper part of the opening.
- The cut can be done both on the "bald" part of the trunk, and leafy. In the latter case, you just need to remove the leaves growing 10 cm below the pruning site.
- You need to cut with a sharp knife so that the cut is even, or with a pruner. Scissors are not suitable for this procedure - they "chew" the twig.
- The cut must be closed with molten paraffin or, in extreme cases, crushed activated carbon. An open wound will quickly lose moisture and may even rot.
- It is advisable to make a moss pillow around the cut by wrapping sphagnum trunk. But they cannot close the slice itself.
- A bag should be put on the top and tied tightly - it will maintain constant moisture.
- Dracaena itself must be placed in a well-lit place: the buds awaken only in warmth, in the light and with high humidity.
- Watering the bush is best done in a pallet.
The cut off top is an excellent breeding material for dracaena. It is simply rooted in water or immediately in the ground.A stem cut too long can also be split into shanks and fitted.
When the sprouts hatch on the stem, the bag can be removed. Further care for dracaena includes periodically turning the pot towards the sun. This will allow the side shoots to develop evenly.
It should be noted that dracaena is an unpredictable plant in this respect. She can give both 5-6 shoots at once, and one. Even from a dozen awakened buds, not all turn into full-fledged shoots. On the other hand, you can always correct the situation by re-pruning.