Charming French roses
Many growers believe that the French rose is such a variety. However, it would be more correct to say that French roses are a special group of beautiful beauties, united by common characteristic features. And the main difference between this species is its centuries-old history, which began in the 17th century.
How did French roses come about?
The progenitor of all currently existing French roses became rose flower Galika is a wild shrub. By crossing it with various species, breeders have received a whole line of new varieties.
From the parent variety, they inherited an amazing aroma, compact size and red color of the buds.
You can distinguish French roses from other types by the following features:
- Almost all varieties are compact - the maximum height does not exceed 1.5 m (although there are several tall species).
- Roses bloom once, begins in June and lasts only three weeks.
- Most species have purple buds
The flowers themselves can be either double or simple.
Old varieties, despite their respectful age, are quite unpretentious. They grow well on any soil and in any climate, in addition, they have increased winter hardiness.
Popular types of French roses
All types of French roses have a unique aroma and look amazing during flowering, but the most beautiful, perhaps, are the following varieties:
- Cardinal de Richelieu... Differs in an unusual color of inflorescences: at first, the double buds are pink, and when they open, they become deep purple. The variety has one more feature - it has almost no thorns on the stems.
- Charles de Mills... It has double and large, up to 15 cm in diameter, inflorescences with a strong odor. The color of the buds has an interesting color range: from dark pink to purple.
- Gallica Versicolor... Semi-double loose inflorescences are painted white-pink with dark stripes on the petals. Yellow stamens are clearly visible in the center.
- Gallika Officinalis... Low-growing bush up to 1 m high. It blooms with scarlet semi-double inflorescences with a delicate aroma.
French roses are very popular with flower growers, because they are completely unpretentious in care, they have convenient sizes and charming flowers.