Delicate and beautiful stonecrop prominent Rozneteller in your garden

Stonecrop prominent Rosneteller If you need to cover unsightly places in the yard, but you want it to look beautiful, plant a prominent Rosneteller sedum there. This type of stonecrop, although it grows in a straight bush, has the ability to actively creep over the territory. Literally in a season, sedum will hide everything you need underneath, and besides, it will decorate the site with delicate pink flowers.

What does the plant look like?

Sedum prominent Rozneteller belongs to the group of ground cover sedum. Moreover, it is a fairly tall bushes with oval green leaves and erect fleshy stems. Their average height is 40 cm, but with good care and in a sunny place, sedum grows up to 60 cm. The edges of the leaf plate are decorated in the form of rare denticles. The root system of the bushes is very developed, has many branches.

The variety is distinguished by early flowering and large inflorescences. Unlike most species, the first flowers begin to bloom as early as May. They are located at the top of tall peduncles and proudly rise above the total deciduous mass. The flowers themselves are painted in a delicate lingonberry pink color. They are small, but in large numbers, collected in semi-umbellate inflorescences. At the end of flowering, the fruits are tied - small boxes with seeds.

From spring to late autumn, the bush actively grows beautiful young shoots, which are often used for bouquet compositions.

Growing features

Sedum can be planted in open ground in the spring, when frosts pass, or in early autumn. The variety prefers well-lit places where the soil is nutritious and light, as well as moderately moist. From excess moisture, sedum roots quickly rot, which leads to disease and even death of the plant.

Rozneteller is an excellent plant for decorating borders. It looks beautiful both in group plantings and separately, and best of all - on alpine coaster.

Caring for this groundcover is simple:

  1. Weed in time, not allowing the bushes to drown out the weeds, otherwise the sedum will grow and bloom worse.
  2. Water during the survival period (after planting) and in summer in the absence of precipitation. In general, this is a drought-resistant plant that accumulates moisture in fleshy stems and leaves and does not need frequent watering.
  3. Instead of fertilizing, mulch the flower bed with organic matter (grass, leaves). The nitrogen contained in it will be quite enough for the bushes.
  4. Periodically rejuvenate the bushes by pruning old and long shoots.

The variety, like other stonecrops, multiplies easiest and fastest by dividing the bush. When transplanting, which is carried out every 5 years, the delenki are seated in a new place.

Video about the cultivation of stonecrop of the prominent Rosneteller


