Igor Lyadov's vegetable garden is a miracle that everyone can do
The longer the land is used to grow crops, the less fertile it becomes. Harvests fall, no matter how much effort is invested in them, and what you manage to grow does not please either quality or quantity.
Igor Lyadov, who lives in the Far East of the country, faced the same problem, like many gardeners who spend a few weekends on their summer cottage... Lyadov, who was accustomed to face a drop in yields, who was used to dealing with the most advanced technologies, did not use the most advanced technologies, but decided to make every effort to return fertility to the land and achieve high yields with the least labor costs. This is understandable - after all, the summer resident could devote to his favorite beds only on weekends.
Igor Lyadov's technology
The result of observations, studying the experience of foreign colleagues and our own practical work on twenty hundred square meters were a record harvest and the creation of a truly smart vegetable garden. The technology turned out to be extremely simple and, at first glance, similar to the method proposed by the American Jacob Mittlider at the end of the 20th century.
However, unlike the overseas agronomist, who suggested using exclusively mineral additives for plant feeding, Igor Lyadov preferred organic matter and even developed unique author's mixtures based on herbs and traditional fertilizers: manure and poultry droppings.
What the two currents have in common is the construction of high bed-boxes, filled, among other things, with the remains of plants that have lived their days. Therefore, there are no untidy compost piles on the site, everything hides in narrow beds and immediately begins to be beneficial.
Features of narrow beds:
- The width of the beds is 60 - 100 cm, which is narrower than recommended by Lyadov's American colleague.
- Passages are comparable in width to ridges, are 60 - 80 cm and can be covered with roofing material, tiles, ordinary sand and sawdust. If grass is sown in the passages between the ridges, then it is periodically mown.
- The location of the beds is strictly from north to south.
- But the walls of the boxes in Lyadov's garden can be made of any available material: boards, logs, slate, bricks or blocks, depending on the work and capabilities of the gardener.
Advantages of Igor Lyadov's smart garden
The main advantage of the method is that the yield on the site is almost doubled in comparison with the traditional technology, when crops are grown in wide beds located at the soil level.
However, there are other positive aspects attracting more and more attention of summer residents to Lyadov's experience:
- The boxes are durable, and their maintenance does not take much time.
- Igor Lyadov's amazing garden is convenient to water and carry out loosening.
- The moisture inside the box does not stagnate, but it is not wasted on moisturizing unnecessary areas.
- No painstaking laborious weeding is required, especially when mulching the soil under the plants.
- The landings are well lit and actively ventilated.
- No nutrients are washed out from the bed-box.
- Saves time and effort in digging the site.
- Loosening the ridges is necessary to a depth of only seven or ten centimeters.
- The crop is not affected by pests and plant diseases.
- Each year you can easily change planting sites and plan the desired plant neighborhood.
- Due to the height of the beds, Igor Lyadov's smart garden gives the summer resident a real opportunity to plant seedlings much earlier.
- If you cover the box with foil or put plastic arches, then the bed without additional effort will allow you to grow vegetables in a homemade, but very effective greenhouse.
The bed according to the Lyadov method has been working for several years, and with regular replenishment with plant residues and properly carried out dressings, its service life is completely difficult to determine.
When the crop is harvested, the author of the idea advises to sow fast-emerging green manure, which will additionally enrich the soil in the box. When planting, it is no longer necessary to add humus or fertilizer, because, in fact, the garden bed itself is a kind of compost storage.
As it becomes clear, Igor Lyadov's garden has many advantages, but there is only one drawback. This is the cost of labor, money and time in the first year when switching to an unusual technology.
Creating a bed-box
The beds in Igor Lyadov's smart garden are built in the fall and stretch strictly from north to south, and for their manufacture you can use any available materials from slate and boards to bricks or building blocks.
In the course of the master class, which was arranged by Igor Lyadov himself, he used old logs from which the house was once built, and trimming boards. However, before assembling the box, it is important to find a suitable platform and level it.
Then the walls of the future bed are firmly, possibly deepening a little, set on the soil, observing the rule that the width of the box should not exceed 120 cm.The length can be arbitrary.
The walls must be knocked down or twisted together so that the structure gains strength, and cardboard is laid at the bottom of the resulting box, which will become an obstacle to the ubiquitous, perennial weeds.
After the cardboard comes the turn of a thin layer of sand.
And then the box is lined with a layer of coarse plant residues. Do not forget about protecting the structure from moisture and pests. Therefore, the author of the technology advises to process the wooden box with a stable, but safe, water-based paint for outdoor use.
When the painting is completed, you can finally fill the bed with more juicy and shallow waste, tops and leaves of harvested vegetables, grass or straw mowed from the lawn, excluding perennial weeds with roots that could sprout. Manure and humus, compost are laid out on top and the nutrient mixture is poured with the infusion prepared according to the author's method of Igor Lyadov. The top layer, about 10 cm thick, in the box is ordinary soil.
It should be noted that in the northern regions, the boxes should be made higher, and in the southern ones, in order to exclude a rapid loss of moisture, lower.
Such beds help out well in places where spring flooding of areas is frequent.
Thanks to a large, about 30 cm, layer of organic residues in Lyadov's garden, there is a constant process of overheating, which means that the temperature in the depth of the box turns out to be elevated, but not critical. Plants quickly sprout and begin to bear fruit.
Arrangement of a greenhouse based on a garden by the method of Igor Lyadov
- Pegs are installed along the long sides of the bed opposite each other at a distance of no more than a meter.
- The ends of plastic pipes are put on these pegs so that arcs are formed over the bed.
- The structure is covered with a film or other material, getting a warm covered bed for early cultivation of a wide variety of vegetables and berries.
The system of narrow beds, used in Igor Lyadov's garden, makes it possible to significantly lengthen the growing season of plants and obtain consistently high yields, regardless of the weather and the peculiarities of the garden plot.
It is important that in order to ensure ventilation and proper space, the plants are planted on such beds in a checkerboard pattern. Larger crops such as cabbage or eggplants are planted in two rows, while smaller crops such as radishes or bow, at four.
Fertilizing the vegetable garden
The author of the technique believes that it is possible to restore the fertility of the mixture in the box not with the help of chemical additives, but with the help of personally prepared infusions, which include yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The usual mash can serve as a leaven for the mixture.
For three liters of well water, take five tablespoons of sugar and a packet of dry baker's yeast. After two or three days of fermentation, the liquid can be added to the general container, but it is better to store it in the cold so that the fungi do not die.
Top dressing recipes from Igor Lyadov
All recipes are designed for a two-hundred-liter container. The compositions are infused for at least a week, and when used, they are diluted at least twice, in the case of a herbal composition, and even more when using dung or manure.
- For the first mixture you will need:
- shovel of sifted ash;
- half a bucket of manure or bird droppings;
- a bucket of rotted straw or fallen leaves;
- shovel of turf, humus or rotted compost;
- shovel of clean sand;
- one liter of fermented milk product or whey;
- three liters of home brew.
- For the second infusion, two-thirds of the container is filled with weeds or mown grass, two shovels of sifted ash are added. Now you can fill the mixture with water and cover the barrel with plastic wrap. After two weeks, the product is ready, but before use, it is diluted 1 to 10.
- The third mixture includes a third of a barrel of manure or manure, which is poured with clean water and also infused for up to two weeks. The manure infusion is diluted 1 to 10, and the mixture with droppings in a ratio of 1 to 20.
The roots of plants in Igor Lyadov's wonderful garden are always provided with everything necessary for growth and fruiting, and the carbon dioxide produced by the bacteria is not wasted, but immediately goes to the roots. The heat released also plays a role, making it possible to obtain guaranteed early harvests.
Organic farming, for which Lyadov advocates, allows you to forget about chemical additives, carry out gentle tillage and invariably enjoy the healthy high-quality fruits of your labor, not thinking that after growing them, the soil will lose fertility and soon become scarce.
but what about kurdyumov ??)))
And let Kurdyumov rest.
The American colleague's beds are narrower, not wider, and are 45 cm, and the passages between the beds are 105 cm.
Reasonable and simple. Thank!
Our high beds, after two years of dispensation and harvests, presented a surprise - there are a lot of slimaks. A rainy summer, wooden boards of the sides of the beds, covering material from the Epicenter - it turned out to be a breeding ground for slugs of all sorts, alas.
Marina, a scanty amount of superphosphate in dry form will completely solve your problem)))
Very expensive for a summer residence. If only for sale.
Such beds are good for the northern regions, in the south the heat and the soil dries up greatly, but in the Volgograd region, on the contrary, summer residents plant vegetables in a "trough", as it were.