It turns out that heathers hibernate

heathers winter It is widely believed that heathers winter very poorly or never at all. However, for some gardeners, they look amazing after such unfavorable conditions. The whole reason is that observant growers have comprehended the general philosophy of growing these crops. Plants do not tolerate the usual attitude towards themselves. Planting a seedling in a hole and then letting it go is not a life for them.

Blueberries, blueberries, cranberry, lingonberries and other members of the Heather family need specific care. A prerequisite for their normal growth and fruiting is acidic soil.

Difficult choice of soil substrate

Loamy and sandy loam soils are absolutely not suitable for them. Many people practice to acquire special soil for azaleas. In this case, several packages (5 liters each) of the purchased substrate are introduced into the planting hole.

Nevertheless, heathers winter well if they are planted in sour peat. The designation must be indicated on the package. Among other things, the mineral, which is brought in trucks, has a neutral reaction, so experts advise against taking it. You can find a suitable soil of such a plan in:

  • swampy areas;
  • coniferous forests (litter acidifies the soil, and it also contains the mycorrhizal fungus root, which is necessary for the heather for nutrition and full development);
  • forest reservoirs (near the coast, but not in the water).

Only the top layer should be removed, since it is maximally saturated with all kinds of acids. But the deeper the peat lies, the more alkali accumulates in it.

Heathers hibernate when ...

There are two factors that affect plant immunity. Improper planting and maintenance weakens the shrub so much that it eventually disappears. At the same time, it is negatively affected by weather conditions. Sudden changes in temperature and jumps in humidity finish off the heather, especially if the plant is not planted in acidic soil. It is also worth considering that:

  • loose soil dries quickly, so the culture needs constant watering;
  • under any circumstances, it is recommended to apply acidic fertilizers;
  • not winter-hardy varieties should be covered.

It is advised to buy the usual food for azaleas, blueberries or wild berries. The proposed complexes are introduced in the spring, as soon as the temperature rises above + 8 ° C. At this time, the roots begin to actively search for a nutrient medium.

Shrubs are propagated by cuttings. Root them in the summer when the first buds appear. Cut off a shoot 10 cm long. In this case, remove all flowering, and from the bottom - leaves. The cuttings are buried in sour peat, or better, in a substrate with coniferous litter. Then they try to keep the soil moist, but without stagnant water.

Thus, the myth that heathers do not hibernate, completely destroyed. After all, the culture needs to provide two simple conditions: sufficient moisture and acidic soil with mycorrhiza, which is in pine needles or bark. As a result, such lush shrubs will become favorite plants in the flower bed, even after winter.


