Clever anti-aging tree pruning: expert advice
Most summer residents are trying to create an ideal landscape on their site, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. An important step towards your goal is rejuvenating tree pruning, which gives the plant a second life. Thanks to the procedure, internal genetic processes are triggered. This leads to the emergence of new branches. Ornamental crops take on an attractive appearance, and fruit crops give bountiful harvests. What can help gardeners get the right pruning? What principles should be followed when performing work? How to give an old garden a new life? Find out what the experts are saying.
Scientifically rejuvenating tree pruning
All plants on earth are subject to the aging process. This leads to internal and external cultural changes:
- the trunk is deformed;
- branches dry up;
- growths appear;
- cracks are formed;
- fruiting stops.
Old trees evoke negative emotions, so they are simply removed from the site. However, there is another way to solve the problem, which returns the plant to its former beauty. It is not for nothing that the good old song says: "And even a stump ... dreams of becoming a birch again." It's about rejuvenating tree pruning that even an inexperienced gardener can do.
The essence of the procedure is to stimulate the internal processes of the plant. As a result, dormant buds come to life and new shoots appear. When they get stronger (after about a year), they are thinned again. As a result, the growth rate increases.
When pruning one-year-old branches, it is advisable to leave 2-4 lateral buds.
Through the season, the main skeleton of the plant is formed from powerful branches. To do this, remove elements that thicken the space between the shoots. In addition, rejuvenating tree pruning is used to form a compact crown. Otherwise, it will look like a shapeless broom. The culture will grow a huge number of small shoots that lack flower buds. The yield of fruit trees will decrease significantly. The fruits will have a faded color and various growths.
In the thickened crown of a tree, armies of pests often settle, which gradually kill it.
Basic principles of a simple procedure
Proper pruning of fruit and ornamental crops involves two simple techniques:
- shortening branches;
- thinning (removal of the entire shoot).
Agronomists advise on ideal plant parameters. The maximum height is 3 m, the width is up to 5 m. The crown must be of a transparent nature, reflecting an openwork shadow on the ground. This approach is actively used in the formation of undersized fruit crops. For stone fruit and pome trees, a sparse-tiered crown is created.
The procedure for pruning old trees for rejuvenation is carried out with the following factors:
- high level of crown density;
- decrease in yield;
- serious illness;
- insect pests.
Particular attention is paid to the annual growth. Determine it, firstly, by the color of the shoot. It is slightly lighter than its neighbors. Secondly, the young growth has a soft structure. After all, she has not yet become woody. The growth of pome trees ranges from 10 to 15 cm. Stone fruits boast a shoot length of about 30 cm.
Anti-aging work is carried out in early spring, if severe frosts are a thing of the past. Temperature drop to -5 ° C is allowed.Lower values have a detrimental effect on wood. It becomes fragile, and the cuts are embossed.
The pruning time is chosen taking into account the climatic conditions of the region.
Plant height correction
There are various ways to rejuvenate a tree and return it to its former beauty. The maximum height of fruit crops should not be higher than 2.5 m. Old specimens do not meet the accepted standards. Therefore, to rejuvenate the tree, first of all, cut off the top and several thick branches. The cut is directed towards the periphery at an angle of approximately 50 °. At a height of 2.5 m, all branches are removed. Next, go to the skeletal elements. They are shortened by 2 times so that they grow horizontally to the trunk. All vertical elements are removed permanently.
The next step leading to a reduction in crop height is thinning the lush crown. The first step is to remove:
- dry shoots;
- diseased elements;
- underdeveloped branches.
Next, cut off the intersecting shoots, as well as those that are directed towards the trunk. Inside the crown, branches are selected that create a strong shadow, after which they are cut down. Thanks to the procedure, the fruit culture is gradually renewed and even bears fruit over time.
Anti-aging crown pruning
Shortening of perennial branches is an important step on the path to cultural revival. The procedure starts from the periphery. Lower specimens are directed upwards. Those that are in the middle are shortened by 2 times. They should go to the side, perpendicular to the tree trunk. In this case, the main shoot should be slightly longer than the small branches. The maximum length of branches is 45 to 60 cm, depending on the type of fruit crop.
It is advisable not to touch the thick shoots located below. Bulky wounds weaken the plant's immunity and often lead to its death.
Recovery and formation of fruiting shoots
Older trees with a living root system are capable of bearing fruit. To do this, they do anti-aging pruning in the traditional way. Old skeletal branches are removed on the lateral shoot. In annual specimens, an external living kidney is left. This increases the yield of the fruit crop. Further, additional activities are performed using various props.
In early June, young branches of the first and second tier are tilted down and tied to the main trunk of the plant. The side branches are fixed to the props so that they extend into a horizontal position.
It is not advisable to cut the annual elements short. Otherwise, the crown will quickly thicken and delay the fruiting process.
Low temperature rejuvenation procedure
Every gardener tries to cultivate his property in a plant-friendly way. The best solution is to carry out a rejuvenating pruning of old trees in the winter according to the traditional scheme. The procedure is carried out at a temperature of -5 ° C, if the weather is relatively warm for a long time. During this period, the trees are dormant. All its processes are slowed down, so the plant will easily tolerate the procedure.
Winter anti-aging pruning is suitable for such frost-resistant crops:
- Apple tree;
- pear;
- plum;
- apricot;
- cherry;
- quince.
Gardeners analyze the weekly weather forecast before starting work. If temperature changes are expected, it is best to postpone the pruning.
Under optimal conditions, prepare the tools:
- secateurs;
- hacksaw (fine-toothed);
- lopper.
After a careful examination of the culture, they get down to business. Diseased shoots are removed first. Then, those that grow near the base of the trunk. Next, they move on to rejuvenating and thinning the crown. And also cut off the branches directed into the tree. Large sections are treated with white oil paint.
Insect pests found on the culture should be removed immediately.
Spring anti-aging tree pruning
If the tree does not bear fruit for a long time, it is removed from the site or given a new life.Of course, cutting down the plant is the last thing. Why not fight for him? In gratitude, it will bring a bountiful harvest.
To achieve the goal, rejuvenating tree cleaning is carried out. In the spring, it begins before the active movement of the juice. A suitable temperature is around 5 ° C of frost. First of all, the damaged and diseased specimens are carefully removed. Next, they clean the dense crown and cut off the shoots that violate the skeletal structure of the plant. Remember to shorten the one-year increments.
Particular attention is paid to the kidneys, so as not to accidentally hit them with a sharp blade. The procedure is performed with a pruner. It is exposed on the opposite side of the branch at an angle of approximately 45 °. The blade is positioned just above the base of the kidney. The optimum distance is 2 mm.
With the complete removal of the shoot, a ring without knots is left on the culture. Thick specimens are first cut from the back and then from the top.
"Return to Eden"
Often, elderly parents leave their country property to their children. Usually fruit trees planted many years ago grow in such areas. Consider how to tidy up an old garden and enjoy its beauty for several decades.
After a careful examination of the trees, they get down to business. The first to remove are the old branches of the lower tier, in which life barely glimmers. They stopped developing long ago due to the lack of sunlight. After all, viable branches "moved" to the upper floors.
Further, each trunk directed towards the sky is evaluated. The sentence includes:
- a bare bitch with a broom-like top;
- shoots with damaged bark;
- huge specimens protruding from the crown.
Now the culture looks much more attractive. The remaining elements are the basis of the future tree. Thanks to such "unloading" it will give young shoots all season. And in the fall or spring, they start the next pruning according to the traditional scheme. In a few years, the old garden will turn into Eden, where you always want to return.
Let's summarize. Even old trees have hope to return to life, delighting people with fruits. To do this, there is a well-thought-out scheme and basic principles of anti-aging pruning that should be followed. It is important to take into account the age of the plant and its characteristics. Then even the oldest "old man" will be at least 10 years younger.