A brief description of the strawberry variety Asia

description of strawberry varieties Asia The description of the strawberry variety Asia proves once again that this is a special plant. With proper planting and care, the bushes can delight with a bountiful harvest. Berries of this type are distinguished by their attractive appearance and high taste, which is very pleasing to gardeners.

Strawberry Asia: variety description

high yielding variety

Garden strawberries Asia is the work of breeders. A plant has been developed for growing in the northern regions. The bushes develop well under the film, in greenhouses, as well as in open beds.

Benefits that the berry has:

  • disease resistance;
  • does not lose its qualities during transportation over long distances;
  • suitable for consumption both raw and for processing.

The bushes of the plant are large and rather wide. The shoots are tall and thick. Several peduncles are formed on each plant, the buds of which bloom gradually.

Large berries. The weight of one fruit can reach 34 g. All of them are cone-shaped, deep red in color. The surface is glossy, the pulp is pink, juicy.

Strawberries contain a large amount of sugar.

Asia is a medium ripeness variety. With proper care, up to 1.5 kg of berries can be harvested from one bush. They break off very easily and quickly.

Place and time of boarding

planting strawberriesBefore proceeding with planting, it is necessary to take into account the fact that adult bushes are quite spreading. Therefore, there should be about 40 cm between the seedlings, otherwise the plants will not be able to produce a high-quality and abundant harvest.

Landing place

The bed should be flat and well warmed up by the sun. It is not recommended to plant strawberries in higher and lower areas. In both cases, the bushes will not develop correctly.

It is also worth abandoning a site that is planted with trees on at least one side. Even a slight partial shade can lead to excess moisture, which can negatively affect the development of the root system.

Time to board

The best time to plant is early or mid spring. The seedlings will quickly take root and begin to grow, but you should not expect a harvest this year. Fully Asia will begin to bear fruit only next summer. Therefore, many summer residents plant it in the fall, at least 2 weeks before the first frosts begin.

In order for the berries to be large and juicy, in the first year you need to break off all formed antennae. Thus, the forces will go to strengthen the root system.

Soil composition

nutrient soil for strawberriesThe soil should be light and nutritious. If the soil on the site is clay or sandy, then you will need to periodically fertilize it humus... Otherwise, the bushes will begin to suffer from chlorosis.

Asia develops poorly on wetlands, as well as on acidic and limestone soils.

Strawberry Care Asia

watering strawberry varieties AsiaAn important condition for caring for a plant is watering. Bushes prefer moderately moist soil. Excessive watering can cause many problems.

Irrigation rules:

  1. In spring, strawberries are watered only when the winter was little snow.
  2. Abundant irrigation should be done during flowering.
  3. During the formation and maturation of the crop.
  4. Immediately after picking berries.

If there was little rain in the spring and the soil is too dry, then irrigation should be started from the second part of April. In the period from May to July, the bushes are watered no more than 3 times every 30 days. In the fall, moisten the soil once every two weeks.

During the flowering period, it is best to apply a drip irrigation system.

loosening the soilAlso, do not forget about loosening the soil. This should be done systematically and best of all immediately after rain. The first loosening should be done in early spring. But before starting the procedure, you will need to scatter saltpeter between the rows (10 m2 plot of 120 g of fertilizer). You need to deepen the hoe no more than 10 cm. It is important to take care not to damage the root system. Otherwise, the bush will stop growing and dry out.

Preparing for winter

mulching strawberries for the winterIn order for the plant to overwinter well and give a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to add to the soil in late spring phosphorus-potassium preparations... Root collars, which are above the soil surface, sprinkle with soil and mulch.

To keep the strawberries from freezing, it is recommended to cover them with straw, leaves or sawdust. Spruce branches are also a good option. It is often used by summer residents on their plots. And all because of good air permeability, which is very important for plants.

A special cloth is also suitable for sheltering strawberries, which can be bought at any specialized store.

Observing all planting conditions and adhering to the care recommendations, you can grow beautiful and healthy strawberry bushes on your site. They will certainly delight you with delicious and aromatic berries, which will be an excellent option for winter harvesting.

Acquaintance with remontant strawberries of the Asia variety - video



