Description and photos of popular types of barberry

Barberry Thunberg Bagatelle. Barberry is an evergreen shrub. Its height reaches 3 m. The main distinguishing feature is sharp thorns. The trunk and shoots are covered with them. In the wild, barberry grows mainly in the highlands of the Northern Hemisphere. Today there are about 175 species of this shrub. Each of them differs from each other in its characteristics. On personal plots and in gardens, you can find several types of this plant: common barberry, Amur, Ottawa and others. In this article, we will tell you about the most popular varieties of barberry.

Common barberry: description, characteristics

This variety of barberry grows mainly in Central and Southern Europe, and these fluffy bushes can also be seen in the North Caucasus. Plant height, as a rule, does not exceed 1.5 m. Flowers are yellow and white, begin to bloom in the last decade of May, in some areas in early June. Flowering duration is average - 13-20 days. Ideal for a backyard or vegetable garden. Shrub barberry tolerates a haircut well. Not picky about the choice of place: it can grow both in partial shade and in illuminated areas. Among other things, common barberry can easily endure even severe frosts. This type of barberry is good for eating.


Common barberry has not so many varieties. The most popular ones are as follows:

  • Barberry Juliana
    Barberry "Juliana" ("Jilianae") - a bush grows up to 3 meters. Leaves acquire a bright red hue by autumn;
  • Barberry AureomarginataBarberry "Aureomarginata" ("Aureomarginata") - a bush up to 1.5 m high. The leaves are rich green with a golden border. It is desirable that this variety grow in an illuminated area. Otherwise, the decorative color disappears;

Barberry Thunberg: photo, description, characteristics

No less decorative barberry Thunberg... It grows wild on the slopes of China and Japan. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 m. In the spring and summer season, the leaves of the barberry have a yellowish or bright red hue, and with the approach of autumn, brown. The flowers of the Thunberg barberry are usually yellow with a red border around the edges. When compared with the common barberry, this variety does not bloom for long - only 8-12 days. The plant tolerates both cold and drought well, it is not demanding on the soil. The fruit has a bitter taste and therefore is not used in food.


Barberry Thunberg has many varieties. Here are the main ones:

  • Barberry AtropurpureaBarberry "Atropurpurea" ("Atropurpurea") - the plant got this name for a reason - the leaves are dark purple in color. The height of the shrub is about 1.5 m. Flowering occurs in early or mid-June and is 12 days. The fruits ripen in October.
  • Barberry Thunberg AureaBarberry "Aurea" ("Aurea") - a bush, compared with the previous variety is low - 0.8 m. Leaves are yellow-orange. Flowering begins in May and lasts about 14 days. The flowers are very beautiful - yellow in the middle and red around the edges. The fruits can be harvested as early as September;
  • Barberry Golden RingBarberry "Golden Ring" is a fairly tall bush - 3 m. The leaves have different shades: from light yellow to dark red. The plant begins to bloom in May. The flowers are yellow with a red border around the edges. The fruits ripen in the first decade of October;
  • Barberry "Bagatelle" is a very undersized shrub - its height is only 0.4 m. Creation of borders or hedge - this is the direct purpose of this variety. In summer, the leaves are brown, and closer to autumn, red. The fruits ripen by the end of October;
  • Barberry nanaBarberry "Nana" - the height of the bush is 0.5 m. The leaves are red, and the flowers are yellow. Flowering begins in early May. The fruits ripen around the second decade of October.

Barberry Ottawa: description, characteristics

Barberry Ottawa very decorative - the leaves are purple, and the flowers are yellow-red. In the autumn season, the plant is especially attractive - the leaves acquire a rich crimson color. Flowering occurs in the first decade of May and lasts about 14 days.


Barberry Ottawa boasts only three varieties:

  • Barberry SuperbaBarberry "Superba" - the height of the shrub varies from 2.5 to 3 m. In the summer, the leaves are red with a blue tint, and in autumn their color is varied - from bright orange to deep red. Flowering begins in May, the flowers are yellow-red. The fruits ripen in the second decade of October;
  • Barberry auricomaBarberry "Aurikoma" - the average height of the bush is 2 m. The leaves and flowers are mostly red.
  • Barberry purpureaBarberry "Purpurea" - the plant reaches a height of 2 m. Flowers are yellow-red, leaves have a dark purple hue.

Amur barberry: description, characteristics

This type of barberry is less popular. This is probably due to the fact that some bushes can grow quite tall - up to 3.5 m. It tolerates dry periods well, but in severe frosts it can freeze. In summer, the leaves are deep green in color, and in autumn they are golden-red. Flowering usually occurs at the end of May.

Main varieties

To date, only two varieties of this variety are known:

  • Barberry japonicaBarberry "Japonica" - the plant reaches a height of 3.5 m. The flowers are yellow, the leaves are golden;
  • Barberry Amur OrpheusBarberry "Orpheus" - bred by domestic breeders, the bush is quite compact - up to 1 m. Leaves are light green. The disadvantage of this variety is that it does not bloom.

The types of barberry do not end there. There is also, for example, the Siberian barberry. Each variety is unique in its own way. Each has its own characteristics and characteristics. The choice of a variety of barberry depends on the purpose of the gardener.

We add that barberry, due to its unpretentiousness and at the same time decorativeness, is very popular. It is planted in parks, personal plots, in summer cottages. The plant gives the area a sophisticated and sophisticated look. In hot weather, such plantings exude a tart and at the same time sweetish aroma. By the way, a note to gardeners. Barberry is a wonderful honey plant. Therefore, along with buckwheat and lime, there is still no inferior - barberry honey.

Barberry for the garden - video

  1. Irina

    Hello! I really liked the photos of barberries on your website. They are very realistic (I have almost all of them). Not many sites have photos that look so similar to the original.

  2. Basil

    Hello everyone! I want to plant a barberry in the country, but I do not know whether it will grow or not. We have a summer cottage in the Rostov region and the slope to the river S. Donets is rocky (flat) terraces. In summer the heat reaches 40 degrees. What kind of barberry can be planted on such soil. The grapes grow well. Thanks for your answer.

    • Olga

      You can try the Thunberg barberry, in nature it grows on the slopes, and besides, it tolerates drought well. Or Amur barberry - it also has a high drought resistance.

  3. Olga

    I have to ask you to determine what kind of barberry is growing in me. I live in South Australia, I grow various plants, including medicinal ones. I bought 2 barberry seedlings 7 years ago.Some kind of unusual plant thorns - 3 - 5 cm long, the leaves are hard, the berries are very small _ birds eat everything))). I used to live in Transcaucasia, where a completely different species of barberry grew.
    Thanks in advance Regards Olga


