We make our site beautiful and convenient with the right planning and organization
Think about what kind of garden you want, how much time can you devote to it? The choice of decorative buildings, plants and the very concept of a paradise depends on this! Only then start planning.
Start by removing all the excess from the site, it must be dug up and leveled with a cultivator or rake. It is impossible to do without this if you are going to lay a lawn, beds and flower beds. Immediately decide on a place for garbage - there you can put torn weeds, cut grass, and fallen leaves in the fall. In a year, when everything has rotted, you get an excellent fertilizer.
Draw a plan of the site, indicating the house, the fence, the plants that are already growing on the site, highlight the free places on the diagram and plan where the pond, gazebo, beds, flower beds, lawns and paths will be. Divide the site into zones: useful area, resting place, vegetable garden.
Break up the beds if you are going to grow vegetables and herbs. With a creative approach, the garden bed can be turned into a vegetable garden. To do this, use the trendy method of the combined fit. Plant tomatoes among roses, and plant a border of such a flower bed with tarragon, curly parsley, basil or any other greenery. Peonies and gladioli look good and are less likely to get sick when surrounded by garlic and onions. A bed of eggplants or paprika will turn into an exquisite flower bed if you plant undersized asters between the plants, and delphinium, dwarf decorative sunflowers and spicy annual herbs around the edges.
Do you want to plant fruit trees? Then immediately mark them on the plan, keep in mind that over time the trees will grow and will cast a shadow. Remember that trees cannot be planted close to the foundation of the house, the minimum distance is 2 meters. Plant cherries, apple trees and plums along the fence, the distance between trees is at least 3 meters. When planting shrubs, choose an open, sunny place for currants and honeysuckle, while raspberries, gooseberries and blackberries can be planted in the shade. Can't you spend a lot of time gardening? Make a choice in favor of ornamental trees and shrubs: ephedra, lilac, jasmine, viburnum, rowan and barberry.
Having properly organized the space, you will observe the transformation and enjoy the beauty of your site from year to year.
Read the article: DIY garden design!
Since the time of total deficit, old people have used 6 acres as a subsidiary farm for the production of vegetables for the whole year. Such "pampering" as a pond, a stone garden, rockery were considered an excess. It was forbidden to build a bathhouse, improper use of the land. So the elderly summer residents have garden plots with a wretched layout. Young people do not want to work in a dull field. Planning a garden landscape, a dream to equip a piece of paradise with your own hands would unite the family, only you need to give in. And let the tomatoes sit in the frame of marigolds, and the gladioli are surrounded by onions. This is useful for plants and creates an unusual vegetable garden, where it is both fun and beautiful. A well-thought-out, orderly area looks better and plants will be healthier under mutual protection.