Bletilla orchid: planting and caring for the plant

orchid bletilla planting and care The bletilla orchid, which is easy to plant and care for, is incredibly popular. The plant is not demanding and very beautiful. It develops well at home, in conservatories and outdoors.

Bletilla: features of the flower and its types

orchid bloom bletilla

The flower belongs to the group of herbaceous plants. In nature, it grows on the lands of Japan, China. Prefers highlands and deciduous areas.

Bletilla orchid grows in the form of a bush. Its height can reach 70 cm. The leaves are lanceolate, folded. They grow in length about 50 cm, slightly pointed at the ends.

Peduncles are formed on each bush. Their number can range from 5 to 12 pieces. They appear at the very end of spring or early summer.

Depending on the species, the buds can acquire a lilac, cream, pink, lilac, white, yellow hue.

Main types:

  1. Bletilla striped (giancin). A plant similar to exotic gladioli. Bletilla striata is distinguished by the presence of a long peduncle on which dozens of buds appear. In loose form, they can acquire both lilac and white shades. For the winter, the plant must be carefully covered, otherwise severe frosts will harm the bulbs.Bletilla striped
  2. Bletilla is brown-yellow. This orchid is often called ocher orchid. Small bushes. The leaves are long, folded. Peduncles reach 40 cm in height. The flowers are medium in size, regular in shape. When loose, they practically do not exude a smell.Bletilla brown-yellow
  3. Bletilla Striata Alba. It is a perennial shrub with ear-shaped inflorescences. The buds have a snow-white shade. On one peduncle there can be from 3 to 8 pieces. The leaves are rich green, long.bletilla stratiata alba

Bletilla blooms for a long time. On average, it is about 30 days. It all depends on the type of plant, compliance with the rules of care and the place of planting.

Bletilla orchid: planting and care

false tubers bletillaThe plant can grow in different areas, but the orchid thrives best where winters are not very harsh. If the air temperature drops below -50 C, then you should take care of her shelter.

Landing place

landing siteIf bletilla is grown in open ground, then the site should be chosen one that is well lit. It should be remembered that the plant does not like to be in direct sunlight for a long time. This is a very important condition, because the duration of flowering will depend on it.

You should not choose a site that is located in a lowland or in a draft. The close occurrence of groundwater can negatively affect the development of the orchid.

Soil for planting a plant

Bletilla orchid substrateThe flower thrives on different types of soil. But despite this, a special substrate should be prepared for planting. Thus, the flower will quickly take root and increase its growth.

To do this, you need to connect:

  • sand;
  • foliar humus;
  • lime.

Take all components in equal proportions. You can also prepare a substrate that will be as close as possible to the one in which the orchid grows in the wild.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 2 parts of peat (top layer);
  • 1 part of expanded clay (fine crushed stone is possible);
  • wood bark (small) 1 part;
  • 1 part moss;
  • ash 1 part;
  • 1 part charcoal.

Put everything in a large container and mix thoroughly. The advantage of such a substrate is that it contains small granules in the form of expanded clay.Thanks to them, the water will not stagnate in the soil, which will have a beneficial effect on the plant.

Planting an orchid

Bletilla is best planted in spring. The planting material should be solid color, without defects. Dry areas will not give the desired result. Planting depth of pseudobulbs is about 5 cm.They should be placed at a distance of 15 cm.

For quick rooting, the orchid can be covered with agrofibre or clear plastic. It is necessary to air the mini-greenhouse daily until the first leaves appear. Only then should watering begin.

Waterlogging or drying out of the soil must not be allowed.

Care ha bletilla orchid

caring for bletilla in the gardenAn orchid is a flower that has character, but it cannot be called very demanding. If you follow simple rules, then bletilla will develop well and please the eye.

Irrigation of an orchid in the garden

In the summer months, the bushes should be watered so that the topsoil has time to dry by 50% between procedures. The flower does not like excess moisture. A large amount of liquid can lead to rotting of the root system.

If it rains outside for a long time, then watering is halved. In autumn, irrigation is completely stopped.

When watering, make sure that no water gets on the leaves.


wood shavingsThis is an important procedure. They spend it from time to time. As mulch use peat, wood chips. You can also use straw.

Before mulching, the soil should be loosened, remove all weeds. Since the root system is close to the soil surface, this should be done as carefully as possible so as not to disrupt its work.

Plant fertilization

fertilizer for bletillaThe garden orchid is fed only in the warm season. For this, you can use universal drugs. Specialty mixes are also a good option, which are sold in a specialty store. They should be used only according to the instructions. Excessive amounts can damage the flower.

Preparing for winter

In late September or early October, the stems of the plant are cut and the roots are covered. For this, you can use straw, hay, leaves, sawdust. Coniferous tree branches, cardboard are also suitable. The orchid should be opened only when the air temperature at night does not drop below 00FROM.

Bletilla orchid is a beautiful plant that anyone can plant on their site. In order for the bush to please with its extraordinary beauty flowers, it is enough to properly plant an orchid, water, feed and prepare for winter.


