Autumn fertilization of the site for potatoes and garlic

Tell me, what fertilizers can you feed the beds for potatoes and garlic in the fall? It is not always possible to apply fertilizers during spring planting due to lack of time. Our summer cottage is far away, and it is not always possible to arrive early, and even for a few days. And judging by the current harvest of these crops, our garden was pretty "depleted".

autumn soil fertilization Autumn fertilization of the garden is one of the important moments for providing yourself with a bountiful harvest in the next season. Such dressings will help return nutrients to the soil that were consumed during the past growing season. In addition, autumn for some crops, such as garlic, is also the planting time, so the preparation of the beds plays a special role for it. No less responsible is the preparation of the site for the spring planting of potatoes - in the rich soil, root crops will be large.

In autumn, under the potatoes and garlic, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

And now for more details on each culture.

Autumn dressing of garlic

fertilizers for garlic

Before proceeding with fertilization, the site must be prepared:

  • remove the remnants of vegetation and weeds from the beds;
  • for disinfection purposes, pour copper sulfate over the area (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

You should start feeding garlic beds in early September. Fertilizers can also be applied in October, but in the case of planting winter garlic, this must be done no later than 2 weeks in advance.

When the soil is disinfected, you can start digging, but first, in future beds, it is necessary to decompose a mixture of humus and superphosphate (5 kg and 20 g, respectively, per 1 sq. M.). You can also use compost as organic matter, but you will need more - about 10 kg per square. Now it remains only to dig up the beds with a shovel bayonet. If a planting winter garlic not planned, the site will remain in this state until spring. In the case of podzimny planting, the ground is leveled with a rake (directly in front of it).

In the case when the soil is acidic on the site, it is necessary to lime it by adding wood ash to the named fertilizers. In acidic soil, the leaves of the garlic will turn yellow.

Preparing a site for potatoes

fertilizer for potatoes

In order for potato tubers to grow large, they need nitrogen and potassium, and for a rich harvest, they will need to replenish phosphorus reserves. Most often, before the autumn plowing of the garden under potatoes make the following composition of fertilizers (per 1 sq. m.):

  • 6 buckets of humus;
  • 15 g potassium sulfate;
  • 35-30 g of superphosphate.

The autumn application of these fertilizers will provide the necessary nutrition for the potatoes in the spring.

Fertilizers for potatoes - video


