How to feed strawberries in autumn - preparing a berry plantation for wintering
As with all berry crops, the goal of growing strawberries is a good harvest of sweet large berries. To achieve this result, you should know how to feed strawberries in the fall. Fertilization in the winter is very important for plants, and not only in terms of fruiting. Fall dressing will help the strawberries regain their strength after the harvest season. And also - to survive the cold winter with minimal losses.
What does autumn feeding strawberries give
Feeding strawberry beds in autumn has several advantages:
- improves the composition and structure of the soil;
- replenishes the supply of nutrients from the plants themselves, which is especially important after abundant fruiting;
- helps strawberries that were sick to recover faster;
- increases the immunity of the crop: strawberries are less likely to get sick and are damaged by pests.
But one of the most important goals of autumn fertilization is to increase frost resistance. Strawberry itself is a relatively persistent berry, and frosts below 20 ° C can end in complete death for it. And plants fertilized in the fall can withstand winter better, even if they are not covered. Therefore, do not underestimate the role of autumn dressings, because they increase the chances of a berry grower for a successful wintering. Thus, spring feeding is designed mainly to increase yields. And the autumn ones - so that the culture will happily “survive” until the next season and “enter” it healthy and strong.
When is the best time to fertilize strawberries in the fall
There is no exact date for the autumn feeding. And the point is not only that each region has its own climate, which affects the vegetation processes. One thing is for sure - fertilization is necessary only after the end of fruiting. By the way, different varieties have different terms. Whether it will be September or October, it also depends on the specific drugs that are used.
For severely depleted plants, it is possible to apply different fertilizers in several stages. For example, at the beginning of autumn, liquid fertilizers are used for root irrigation. Moreover, it is important to have time to bring them in no later than the end of September. Otherwise, there is a risk of root freezing during the first frost. In the middle of autumn, organics are used for foliar feeding. And immediately before the autumn digging, at the end of October - in the month of November, dry mineral preparations are introduced into the aisles. In general, one should focus on the general condition of the plantings and their needs.
Before fertilizing, it is important to prepare the strawberry beds. The first step is to weed out the weeds.They only take useful substances from cultural plantings and drown them out. Then trim off excess whiskers (not intended for reproduction), as well as old and diseased leaves. Only young leaves in the center of the outlet should remain on the bushes.
How to feed strawberries in autumn
All fertilizers that can be used for autumn feeding of strawberries can be grouped into 3 types:
- organic;
- mineral;
- mixed top dressing (organics plus chemicals).
How to feed strawberries in autumn - organic fertilizers
Organic is the best fertilizer not only for strawberries, but also for all horticultural crops. It will provide them with nitrogen, which is so necessary for plant development, as well as many other trace elements. In addition, this fertilizer is quickly absorbed by plants and improves the composition of the soil. Organic matter can be added either dry, scattering between the beds, or by preparing a solution for irrigation.
The first method is considered safer when dry organic matter is brought in for digging. When using solutions, it is very important to maintain the optimum concentration. Strongly "strong" solution can harm the strawberries and literally burn them. Therefore, it is used exclusively for root dressing. Do not allow the solution to get on the deciduous part.
Organic fertilizers for strawberries can be used:
- Wood ash. The plantings are sprayed with ash infusion in September. To prepare it, first make a concentrate of 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. ash. It is diluted in a bucket of water just before processing. Ash can also be scattered between rows in October. Then carefully dig them up or loosen them with a hoe.
- Biohumus. In early autumn, it is used for root dressing. The drug in liquid form is diluted according to the instructions and the strawberries are watered exclusively under the bush. They cannot be sprayed.
- Chicken droppings. It is also applied under the root as a solution. For preparation, you can use both dry and commercial granulated droppings. 1 part of the litter is bred in a bucket of water and left for 2 days.
- Humus. At the end of autumn, fertilizer is scattered between the beds and the soil is dug up. Severely depleted strawberries can also be watered in September with infusion (for 1 part of humus - 10 parts of water).
In addition, mulch in the form of dry humus or crushed green manure also acts as an excellent fertilizer. The first is simply scattered over the surface of the row spacing. Lupine, legumes and other siderates are laid out between strawberries, and then sprinkled with a layer of soil. Such a "pillow" will protect strawberries from frost, and in the process of decay, it will also provide them with useful substances.
How to fertilize strawberries in autumn - mineral fertilizers
In the fall, strawberries most of all need two trace elements - phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, for autumn dressings, preparations are used, in which they prevail. It can be either a ready-made mineral complex or individual fertilizers. They are either mixed or applied separately.
Of mineral fertilizers, it is good to apply under strawberries:
- Kemiru autumn. A ready-made mineral complex specially for autumn plant nutrition. Contains 20.8% phosphorus, 31.3% potassium and only 4.8% nitrogen. It is applied to the beds for digging at the end of autumn (50 g of the drug per square meter). Also, the drug can be used for autumn planting or when transplanting strawberries. In this case, the pellets are applied directly to each well.
- Fitosporin... A fungicide that will protect strawberries from diseases and also disinfect the soil. Healthy plants will yield more abundant crops the next.
- Phosphate flour. It is enough to make it every 3 years for digging.
- Potassium salt. A solution (2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water) is poured over the strawberries under the root. This will increase the taste characteristics of the future harvest and increase the amount of ovary.
- Combined mineral mixtures with which strawberry bushes are watered (per bucket of water):
- potassium salt (20 g) and superphosphate (10 g);
- nitrophoska (30 g) and potassium salt (20 g);
- superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g).
As for nitrogen, it is important to choose preparations with a minimum content for autumn feeding. Strawberries need nitrogen in spring, and before preparing plants for wintering, its amount in fertilizers should not exceed 5%.
Mixed organic and mineral fertilizers for strawberries
If strawberries have been growing in one place for a long time, the soil will be severely depleted. In this case, it is advisable to use combined mixtures, combining mineral fertilizing with organic matter. The first will help the plants themselves, and the second will also improve the composition of the soil. Such a composition is also good in that it will act for a longer time than if fertilizers are applied separately.
You can prepare a dry fertilizer, which is applied for digging (for each square meter of planting) by mixing:
- 2.5 kg of humus;
- 10 g potassium salt;
- 20 g superphosphate.
Also, a solution for watering strawberries can be combined. To prepare it, dissolve in a bucket of water:
- ash - 250 g;
- potassium chloride - 20 g;
- nitrophoska - 30 g.
The timing of the application of mixed fertilizers depends on their type. All liquid solutions with which strawberries need to be watered are used only at the beginning of autumn. Dry mixes can also be applied in November.
Folk remedies for fertilizing strawberries
The trace elements necessary for plants are contained not only in special preparations. Some of the nutrients can be obtained using food or the contents of a home medicine cabinet. This fertilizer is most often used for liquid root dressing in early autumn. Although some products can be applied to the soil.
From folk remedies, than feeding strawberries for the winter in autumn, a good result is given:
- Fermented milk products - whey. It contains calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen and many other beneficial substances. Plants are watered with serum in early autumn. You can add a little ash to it.
- Yeast... The bushes are watered with infusion of a bucket of water and a bag of fresh ("wet") product weighing 100 g, aged for 24 hours.
- Hydrogen peroxide (200 ml per bucket of water - for irrigation).
- Ammonia plus iodine. Double top dressing, most effective when pruning strawberries in the fall. Cut bushes are watered with a solution under the root. This will help them recover faster. A bucket of water will need 150 ml of ammonia and 3 drops of iodine.