We close the season - autumn feeding of grapes in winter
To please us with a bountiful harvest, grapes will consume many useful substances. It is very important to allow the shrubs to recover from this in order to maintain their annual fruiting. Autumn feeding of grapes in winter is one of the best options for restoring culture at the end of the season. In addition, the plants become more robust after receiving additional nutrition. And this means that they will endure the winter better, the risk of freezing of the vine will decrease, and immunity will increase. Fertilized grapes in the fall and get sick less often, and in the spring they more actively enter a new growing season.
Timing and frequency of fertilization of grapes in autumn
Grapes need annual autumn fertilization only if they grow on sandy soil. On sandy stones, you can do this after a year, and in fertile clay soil - once every 3 years.
Autumn feeding of grapes in winter with organic matter
Organics are valuable not only for the plant, but also for the soil itself, improving its structure and nutritional value. In autumn, most often it is brought in dry under the first digging, sealed with a shovel into the ground:
- manure;
- compost;
- chicken droppings;
- wood ash.
Mineral fertilizers for autumn feeding of grapes
The main rule of mineral dressing in the fall is no nitrogen. The vineyard needs it in the spring, and at the end of the season will only cause the growth of young vines. It will not have time to mature and will freeze in winter, but some of the nutrients from the bush will have time to take away and weaken it. Therefore, in the fall, it is necessary to focus on phosphorus-potassium preparations or complexes based on them.
From minerals for grapes in the fall, you can make:
- superphosphate;
- potassium salt;
- potassium sulfate;
- a small amount of zinc sulfate;
- nitroammophos;
- azophoska;
- phosphate rock.