Features of annual and perennial alissums
Among the low-growing flowering plants, it is worth highlighting alyssum - compact lush bushes up to 40 cm high, which branch strongly. It belongs to the cruciferous family and is often used as a groundcover. Growing rapidly and releasing their long semi-lignified shoots in different directions, the bushes form a beautiful carpet of small long leaves and small flowers. Alyssum blooms throughout the spring, spreading a delicate aroma around. The color of the inflorescences in the form of panicles can be very diverse: from pale white to deep purple.
Today there are about 200 plant species, among them there are both annual crops that require annual planting and renewal, and perennial varieties that can live for several years in the open field. All of them are quite unpretentious and do not need special care. But depending on whether the perennial alissum or an annual, some differences in their cultivation still exist, and they are worth paying attention to.
Long-flowering annual alyssum
Annual plant species are distinguished by a longer flowering period; most varieties delight with their fragrant inflorescences until mid-autumn. Their only drawback is their intolerance to low temperatures, respectively, they cannot survive the winter outdoors.
Annual alissums are propagated by seeds, mainly through seedlings, transplanting it to a flower bed in the month of May. During the planting season, they are fed 4 times with mineral fertilizers, and after flowering, the bushes are cut off so that there is no chaotic self-seeding.
Of the annual species, Lobularia or sea alyssum is most often grown - a low plant up to 40 cm in height with creeping shoots. It blooms from mid-spring to early autumn, has many hybrids, the most popular among them:
- Esther Bonnet Deep Rose;
- Tiny Tim;
- Violet Queen.
Alyssum Snow carpet is also very popular - the height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm, the inflorescences are white, densely covering the shoots.
Frost-resistant perennial alissum
Perennial plant varieties are capable of wintering in the open field, because they are characterized by fairly good resistance to low temperatures. However, in regions with cold winters, even they need shelter.
Such alissums are fertilized twice less often than annual species, and after a short flowering, the bushes are trimmed.
Among the known species perennial plants should pay attention to the following varieties:
- rock alissum Gold placers;
- alyssum ampelous Clea Crystal White.
Almost all types of alyssum can also be grown as a potted plant, but it should be borne in mind that they automatically become annuals, since not a single variety is suitable for wintering indoors.