Features of growing dracaena Sander
Dracaena Sander is one of the most unpretentious varieties of the Asparagus family. The herbaceous perennial is just perfect for growing flower novices as it is completely unpretentious and easy to care for. In addition, Feng Shui fans strongly recommend keeping at least one such plant in the house, because according to legends, it brings good luck, success, prosperity and happiness to its owners. The second name - "bamboo of happiness" - dracaena Sander received for the external resemblance to the specified plant.
Description of the variety
Externally, the stems of dracaena really look like bamboo - they are smooth and with bridges, from which dense leaves of bright green color with a gray tint and glossy shine grow. Unlike other varieties, in which the leaf plates are rather long, in Sandera they rarely exceed 25 cm in length and 3 cm in width.The total height of the bush is 1 m.
You can distinguish dracaena from bamboo by the stems: in the first they are dense, while in the second they are hollow. Dracaena is also capable of giving many side shoots from the cut off top, and its leaves grow directly from the stem, unlike bamboo.
Under natural conditions, dracaena blooms, but when grown at home, this does not happen.
Conditions for the development of dracaena
So that the perennial does not lose its beautiful decorative appearance, the leaves have a rich color, and the side shoots grow actively, it is necessary to provide it with the following conditions:
- Diffused lighting... The southern windows of dracaena are contraindicated, since direct sunlight burns out the leaves, which can lead to the complete death of the flower. Oddly enough, in a dark room (subject to high humidity), dracaena is also capable of growing, but it is worth considering that the leaves will lose their rich color and turn pale.
- Regular watering... In this, dracaena is similar to bamboo - both plants love water and cannot tolerate complete drying out of the soil. But spraying the leaves is optional, Sandera grows well even in a room with dry air.
- Comfortable temperature... It is important not to allow the temperature in the room to drop below 18 degrees Celsius, but 35 degrees for a thermophilic perennial is quite acceptable.
- Periodic ventilation... Dracaena just needs fresh air, but will not survive the draft.
- Rare dressings... Once a month, mineral complex fertilizers for dracaena should be added to the water for irrigation so that the bush does not lose its appearance.
Periodically, Sandera leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge to remove dust.
Features of growing dracaena in water
Sandera is the only dracaena that can grow without soil. Experienced growers who practice this method have long noticed that shoots thrive best in rainwater.
Rainwater can be replaced with thawed water by first freezing ordinary tap water (but settled) and letting it melt.
Like any stagnant water, over time it begins to acquire a swampy smell, so the fluid must be changed every two weeks. Activated carbon, placed in a container with dracaena, removes the smell well.
To give stability to the shoots, it is better to cover the roots with pebbles, which must also be washed and scalded after each water change. Over time, the bright green leaves can turn yellow. To prevent this, Sander needs to be fed twice a month mineral fertilizersby adding them directly to the water.