The difference between the original chainsaw and a fake
What is the difference between an original chainsaw and a fake? The main differences are price and quality. A fake chainsaw is made from cheap materials, and therefore the cost is often significantly lower. But there are times when counterfeits are sold at the original price to mislead the buyer. To distinguish a fake chainsaw from an original one, you need to pay attention to the build quality.
No welds or other defects should be visible on the body of the original chainsaw.
If the body of the chainsaw is plastic, then the paint should adhere well to it. The plastic cases of the original instruments are made of high-strength or hydrocarbon plastic. This material does not crack. If you buy a chainsaw from your hands, then pay attention to the condition of the case: there should be no dents or other defects on it. Let's consider the differences between the fake and the original on the example of the Husqvarna 365 chainsaw.
The quality of the internal parts of the chainsaw and the appearance
First of all, pay attention to the tire of your chainsaw. The manufacturer always applies the corporate logo of the company to its surface.
If there is no logo on the tire, or there is a mistake in the name of the manufacturer's company, then you with one hundred percent probability are holding a fake chainsaw in your hands.
You should also pay attention to the quality of the recoil starter. It must be made of metal and rubberized. If the starter is plastic, then this is a fake.
Remove the chainsaw cover. For the original instrument, the top cover can be removed with one movement of the hand. Oil and fuel caps are attached to the body with nylon strings. For a fake, the cover is fixed with four star bolts or plastic fasteners.
An original Husqvarna 365 chainsaw must have a marked plastic air filter inside the housing. Quick access to the spark plug is also provided.
Pay attention to the complete set of the chainsaw. The original kit, in addition to the body, includes one branded tire and chain, as well as one spark plug wrench. Branded chainsaws are sometimes sold for a promotion. Complete with such chainsaws, you will receive gloves with the company logo Husqvarna and an additional chain. If files, containers for mixing the fuel mixture or other additional accessories are offered in the complete set with the chainsaw, then this is a fake.
The sale of counterfeits is punishable by law and punishable by a large fine.
Therefore, you are unlikely to find fake chainsaws in company stores. They can only be purchased in the markets or by hand.