Differences between natural honey and counterfeit
When buying honey at the fair, do not hesitate to check the quality. Under the guise of natural honey, you can be sold a honey product or completely falsified honey. A fake is much cheaper, and it is almost impossible to distinguish it by its taste.
Getting honey in May is a very laborious process. Therefore, many beekeepers pump honey from unsealed combs, dilute it with sugar syrup, starch or flour, and sell unripe honey, which quickly deteriorates.
Signs of natural honey
You can taste honey at fairs. Disposable teaspoons are often used for this. If you taste a lot of honey, the taste buds will only taste sweetness and you will not be able to tell if the honey is natural. Use a spoon to check only its consistency.
Scoop up some honey and lift the spoon over the container. The honey should flow down evenly. The natural product forms a slide on the surface. A similar phenomenon can be observed if condensed milk is used instead of honey.
If the honey is falsified, it will be too liquid or, conversely, thick. The counterfeit will flow into the container in separate drops.
There are several more signs of natural honey:
- natural product does not leave wet stains on the paper towel;
- honey absorbs moisture well;
- honey has no expiration date and GOST.
Natural honey try with a toothpick. By rolling a drop of honey in your mouth, you can feel the distinct taste of the plant, the nectar of which is present in the honey in the greatest amount.
Checking with a paper napkin
Apply a drop of honey to a paper towel. If the honey is natural, it will not leave a wet spot on the napkin after ten minutes. This is due to the fact that honey has a very low moisture content - at 17%, so it does not release moisture.
Bread check
Honey absorbs moisture well. If you put bread in honey, which you have previously saturated with water, after ten minutes the piece of bread will dry completely. If the honey is tampered with, chances are the bread will swell even more.
Naturally honey has no expiration date. GOST can only be found on jars with honey products - artificially processed nectar, for example, strawberry flowers. Artificially brewed honey is not as healthy as natural honey because it contains no propolis.
A honey product is honey with additives: nuts, berries or fruits. Do not buy such honey, perhaps a fake was masked by berries.