Evergreen tree - palm from plastic bottles

Palm island at their summer cottage Summer residents who spend the summer on personal plots by the fall are faced with the problem of disposing of plastic containers from all kinds of soft drinks. A plastic bottle palm tree can be an unexpected way of turning garbage into a garden decoration.

How is this possible? It is very simple, if you carefully study the instructions that tell you about making palm trees from bottles, prepare all the necessary tools, consumables, and be sure to stock up on a good mood.

Read also: DIY crafts from plastic bottles for the garden!

Bottled palm tree: possible benefits and uses

Plastic palms along the fence

As you know, the plastic used for the production of food packaging does not decompose for hundreds of years when it enters the soil. The centralized removal of this kind of waste is not established everywhere, and no one wants to litter nearby territories with plastic waste. What should a summer resident do in such a situation? Do you really have to take the old plastic bottles to the city?

Take your time! If you carefully collect bottles from brown and green plastic, in the off-season the whole family can turn this container into an unusual evergreen tree in the evening.

A palm tree from bottles will perfectly decorate:

  • adjoining territory;
  • unsightly corner of the garden;
  • plot next to outbuildings;
  • playground;
  • the edge of the earth near the open pool.

Playground with palm treesA palm tree made from plastic bottles, according to the instructions below, can become a spectacular decoration at any party, wedding, themed evening or children's party.

Making an original decor item will not cause difficulties even for people far from this kind of creativity. The main thing is, before making a palm tree out of plastic bottles, prepare everything you need.

What is required for a palm tree from plastic bottles?

Original execution of palm trees from plastic bottlesWhat should you stock up on before starting work? First of all, the DIY will need green and brown plastic bottles. The green ones are blanks for the foliage of the tree, and the brown ones are the future trunks of the evergreen beauty. At the same time, the height of the plant and the splendor of the crown directly depend on the amount of collected containers.

The list of necessary materials and tools for creating a palm tree from bottles includes:

  • plastic containers;
  • a sharp stationery knife and scissors;
  • durable scotch tape;
  • metal bar or plastic tube for the barrel;
  • thick rope or braided wire for the base of the leaves.

When choosing plastic bottles for a palm tree, you need to take into account that trunks and leaves made from containers of the same diameter look better. If you have smaller green bottles in stock, you can use them for leaves in the middle of the crown, but brown small vessels will have to be used for tree trunks of a different type or size. Different shades of plastic are not a hindrance. They will only give liveliness and brightness to the man-made plant.

Palm tree from bottles: instructions for making

Both small and large palms grow on the siteA step-by-step description of all the intricacies of creating a plastic tree will help you quickly, literally in the evening do it yourself, stage by stage a palm tree from plastic bottles of the conceived height.

The process consists of three steps:

  • leaf assemblies;
  • creating the trunk of a plastic plant;
  • connecting all parts and assembling the finished wood.

Before making a palm tree out of plastic bottles, the container must be washed and all paper and film labels removed from it.

Although there are many options for creating a plastic tree, the most lush long leaves in any chosen method are obtained from large, for example, two-liter bottles.

Making a palm crown from bottles

We cut the bottle into two partsPrepared green bottles with a clerical knife or scissors cut off the bottom. It is no longer needed, and the upper half will become a blank for the sheet.

We make neat cuts, dividing the bottle into stripsIt is carefully cut into thin longitudinal strips towards the neck. The larger the diameter of the plastic bottle, the thicker and more luxuriant the green leaves of the palm tree will be.

Cutting the bottle this way will make a feathery palm.These are not the only options for creating leaves. If you cut the top of a plastic bottle, as in the photo, into four "petals", and then cut each of them several times, you get beautiful feathery foliage.

Sheet blanks are strung on a cable or wireThe resulting leaf fragments are successively strung on a strong rope or strong electric cable. The lid must be screwed onto the first blank in order to fix the leaf "petiole" at the top with a knot. The last part of the bottle is twisted in the same way.

Finished palm leafA palm tree made from plastic bottles can have a top of any volume, but trees with a crown of at least 5-7 leaves look better.

Palm leaf blanksThere should be a long stalk at the base of the finished palm leaves in order to then assemble and securely fasten the entire structure.

Assembling the trunk of a palm tree from bottles

Preparing bottles to create a palm trunkTo obtain a tree trunk similar to a natural tree, you will need almost the entire bottle, except for the bottom itself.

We cut the bottle from the bottom almost to the neck into identical petalsFrom the bottom almost to the very neck, longitudinal cuts are made on brown bottles, dividing the container into equal petals.

The bottom of the bottles is not used in the manufacture of the barrelOnly a small fragment of the bottom goes to waste

Detail of the future palm trunk is readyThis is how the finished part of the future bottle palm trunk looks like.

Assembled palm trunksThe assembly is carried out in the same way as the green leaves of the tree were collected. To keep the palm upright, the trunk will need a strong, tough core. It can be made from a metal bar of suitable length and diameter or a tube.

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Fastening palm leaves to the trunkFinished palm leaves are attached with glue or tape to the top of the tree so that they form a uniform crown spreading on all sides.

The treetop is readyThis is what the finished treetop looks like.

You need a solid heavy foundation to install a palm treePalm tree is ready and installed on the siteThe construction is quite heavy. Therefore, it is advisable to fix it with such a heavy base. If there is no possibility or suitable material to make a welded platform, the rigid plastic or metal base of the stem is deepened at least half a meter. Such a kind of "root" in the pit is strengthened with brick chips and, after filling with soil, is compacted. Large trees are best concreted.

A video on how to make a palm tree for a personal plot out of plastic bottles will explain all the nuances of the creative process, help you turn a yard or a corner of the garden into a real oasis with your own hands.

One of the options for making a palm tree from bottles - video



