Such a beautiful and controversial pandanus - is it possible to keep a luxurious flower at home
This plant is most often placed in office premises and the explanation for this is simple to the point of banality: it needs a lot of space. However, many gardeners are frightened off by the pandanus, whether it is possible to keep such a flower at home, most doubt. The decisive role is played not at all by the scientific side of the issue, but rather by superstitions and omens. Who knows, maybe these are just coincidences. Or, indeed, pandanus can be considered a "fatal flower" that brings failure. Let's find out.
What is pandanus
The plant belongs to the pandanus family and is popularly known as the spiral palm. Palm tree - because the trunk with a chic thick head of bright leaves is very similar to this plant. And the screw was nicknamed for its original structure - the leaves grow in a spiral. After drying out, a beautiful stem with an original pattern from the remains of the petioles is formed from the lower tiers.
A characteristic feature of the pandanus is the serrated edges of elongated leaf plates. On each leaflet there are not just notches, but real, albeit small, thorns.
As a houseplant, pandanus is indeed most often kept in offices. Adult palms are quite tall, more than 3 m, moreover, their crown is spreading. Not every house has the ability to allocate a quarter of a room for a pandanus. Although it is easy to grow it - the spiral palm is unpretentious.
Pandanus - is it possible to keep a beautiful palm tree at home
Let's return now to the most important question - is the pandanus suitable for growing in houses and apartments. It is very difficult to answer unequivocally, because there are several completely opposite opinions:
- On the one hand, the flower has a very strong energy, and given its thorns on the leaves, it is negative. They say that a flower absorbs positive energy, and in return spreads negative energy around the house. And this happens at a rapid pace, as if a tornado is passing through the rooms. This is facilitated by the spiral shape of the plant. In people with a heavy and "prickly" character, pandanus will only aggravate their stinging and harshness.
- But there is also a positive side to this. Soft people will learn to defend themselves and stand up for themselves. The flower also makes the brain work more productively, which is very useful for business people.
Thus, whether or not to start a pandanus is up to you. You can just find a suitable place for it to take advantage of the best properties of the plant. For example, in the office, where he will contribute to the working atmosphere.
But definitely don't put the screw palm in children's and in the bedroom. In the nursery - because the child can get hurt by his thorns. And in your bedroom - just like that, just in case, so as not to disturb the calm atmosphere of the place where you should rest, not work.