Growing and caring for high-yielding sweet pepper Bogatyr

pepper Bogatyr cultivation and care Almost all gardeners allocate space on their site for beds with sweet peppers. Bogatyr pepper, growing and caring for which will not be difficult even for beginners, is quite popular in many regions of the country. But especially good yields of this crop are obtained by vegetable growers in the North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions.

Description of the Bogatyr variety

large fruits of the Bogatyr variety

Harvest Bulgarian pepper Bogatyr was included in the State Register in 1996. It is suitable not only for growing in personal plots or summer cottages, but is also often used for planting on an industrial scale. It belongs to the mid-season varieties.

The height of the plants is about 60 cm. As a rule, they are all powerful, with a bushy crown, a large number of flowers and ovaries. The leaves are rich, dark green. If the plantings are properly cared for, the yield will be about 7 kg / m², about 400 c / ha. The fruits are large, fleshy, conical or cubic in shape. On average, they weigh from 150 to 200 g.high-yielding pepper Bogatyr

The advantages of the variety include:

  • evenness of fruits;
  • disease resistance;
  • good portability;
  • stable yield.

Sweet pepper Bogatyr is not amazed by the mosaic. To a small extent prone to top rot of fruits and verticillary wilt.

The fruits have pronounced ribbing. In technical ripeness they are light green, in biological ripeness they are red. Since the variety is mid-ripening, the fruits reach technical ripeness by 130 days, and biological ripening will take another two weeks.

After the first harvest, the remaining fruits actively develop and grow. And if at this time the plants are well cared for, the total yield from 1 m² will increase.

Pepper Bogatyr: growing and caring for plants on a personal farm

pepper bogatyr cultivation and careChoosing the right seeds is essential to successfully growing sweet peppers. It is better to buy them from well-known companies with a high reputation. In order to avoid an oversight when buying, you need to check the description of the variety and the photo of fruits and plants on the package.

Sowing seedlings

growing seedlings of Bogatyr pepperA large selection of seedling containers makes work much easier. Bell pepper seeds can be sown in peat pots or tablets... The grown seedlings are planted in the ground directly in peat tanks. Later, with watering, they will gradually dissolve in the soil.

The most favorable time for sowing sweet pepper is the last decade of February and the beginning of March. When sowing seeds directly into the ground, it will not be possible to obtain a crop. Therefore, the question of when to plant Bogatyr pepper can only be considered in relation to seedlings.

If a lot of space is traditionally allocated for the beds with pepper, the seedlings are planted in boxes. Light nutrient soil should be prepared in advance, preferably in the fall, and stored in the basement. Frozen and slightly thawed garden soil, which can be prepared in room conditions for sowing seeds, should be used only after two weeks. Only in this case will the soil bacteria have time to get out of the dormant state and become quite active.

Growing seedlings of sweet pepper Bogatyr is carried out as follows:

  1. The boxes are filled with soil, which is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, brought to a boil. Excess liquid must be drained off. Timely disinfection of the soil will relieve it of possible pests and fungal infections.spill the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  2. Pepper seeds are also disinfected. Soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 6-8 hours, and then washed with clean water and sown in warm, moist soil. The seeds are immersed in the ground no more than 1 cm.The distance between them should be about 2 cm.soak pepper seeds Bogatyr
  3. The boxes with the seeds sown in them are covered with plastic wrap to ensure the greenhouse effect. Even if watering is not required, you still have to control the germination process. Do not forget about regular ventilation.good seedling pepper Bogatyr

For more active germination of sweet pepper seeds, the room must be kept at a constant temperature of 28 ° C. It should be borne in mind that seeds of different varieties germinate at different rates.

pepper seedlings are ready for transplantingWhen the seedlings rise together, the boxes must be rearranged in a well-lit and cooler room. Water the growing plants with warm water.

Landing in the ground

planting seedlings in open groundSeedlings of sweet pepper Bogatyr are planted in a permanent place only when the threat of return frosts has passed. But it is also impossible to delay planting heat-loving plants. Even if the sowing was carried out at the end of February, but due to bad weather conditions, the seedlings could not be planted in the ground on time, the plants will not be able to compensate for this delay in the future.

Even if there is a possibility of a significant drop in temperature, you will still have to plant seedlings in the ground. So that she does not suffer, temporary shelters are placed over the beds - they install metal or plastic arcs, cover them with a film or non-woven material. As soon as warm weather finally settles, the shelter is removed.bell peppers in the garden

Care and further cultivation of Bogatyr peppers consists in timely and regular watering. Fertilizers are applied three times:

  1. After rooting the seedlings at planting - with a sufficient nitrogen content, organic, for example, rotted manure, is suitable.
  2. Before flowering, you must use a mineral composition that includes 3 g superphosphate, 8 g of potassium and 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate. The specified amount of ingredients is diluted in 1 liter of water.
  3. During the flowering period, plants are in dire need of potassium supplements. A solution of carbamide and dry potassium is used. For 10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of each substance. Mineral dressing can be replaced with nettle infusion or high-quality compost.

To ensure the best development of plants and timely ripening of fruits, mineral fertilizers should be alternated with organic ones. Only then will the peppers get the most out of them and get the optimal nutrient intake.

Formation of bushes

shaping the pepper to increase the yieldIn order to increase the yield of Bogatyr pepper, it is not enough to organize sufficient lighting for planting, an appropriate temperature regime, timely watering and feeding. It is imperative to form growing plants, unlike other, mainly undersized, weakly branched varieties and hybrids.

Thick, overgrown branches are an ideal home for many pests, pathogenic bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. In order to improve ventilation, nutrition and lighting, they must be thinned out. The formation of pepper bushes should be carried out regularly, and, depending on the conditions, the processes may differ.

high quality seeds and high yieldThe formation of bushes of sweet peppers of the Bogatyr variety, intended for growing in a greenhouse, begins with seedlings. As soon as the seedlings reach 20 cm in height, their stems begin to branch. A crown bud appears in the fork. It can bloom even before the plants are planted in the greenhouse. All this is extremely undesirable, since it prevents an increase in the number of branches, and therefore contributes to a decrease in the future yield.

If sweet pepper seeds are to be obtained, the crown bud is left on several plants. Since the formed and ripe fruits that have grown from it will give the highest quality seeds suitable for further cultivation of varietal plants.

The seedlings are placed in a greenhouse with the expectation that the plants will still grow, and their stems will become spreading. Planting scheme of varieties with high tillering 40-50cm x 70-80 cm. About 2 to 6 plants are planted per 1 m².

The formation of bushes occurs by plucking and removing unnecessary shoots on which there will be no fruit. For proper ventilation, remove the lower stems and leaves. Stepson - shoots growing on skeletal branches, pinch. Especially powerful plants are provided with props.

Tall plants planted in open ground should give many side shoots. Therefore, pinch the tops on the main stems when the seedlings have not yet reached 30 cm. Be sure to remove the crown buds. No more than 3-4 skeletal stems should remain in the bush. The further process of growing and caring for Bogatyr pepper, the formation of bushes, is to remove excess leaves that cover the fruits and fruitless shoots.

Sweet pepper Bogatyr, growing and care from sowing seeds to harvest - video


