Growing vegetables in a plastic tunnel greenhouse is easy and simple

We are a young family. This year in the fall we bought a place for a summer cottage. Despite the fact that in the summer we will mainly be engaged in the construction of a house, we still want to master several beds. Tell me how to properly mount a greenhouse film tunnel for heat-loving crops.

film greenhouse tunel A tunnel-type greenhouse is one of the simplest protected ground structures. It is made very simply, but if you take into account some of the nuances, then working in such a greenhouse will be more convenient and comfortable.

  1. It is advisable to install arcs along a stretched twine so that the ends of the arcs are strictly in one line.
  2. It is best to sheathe the ends of the greenhouse with foil, and tie the arcs together along the top with a strong rope.
  3. It is convenient to fix the long sides of the film between two strips (shoot with a stapler to one, then screw the other with screws). Then the slats will stretch the film with their weight. On one side, the slats can be pinned to the ground, the other side can be made opening. It is convenient to open the greenhouse by winding the film onto the rail.
  4. To prevent the film from tearing during strong gusts of wind, it is necessary to prepare for each running meter of the tunnel a pair of plastic water bottles tied together with a rope. The bottles are thrown through the tunnel, the length of the rope should be such that the bottles are pulled over the tunnel.
  5. To protect plants from severe return frosts for insurance, you need to have some kind of covering material in stock, and better than another property. For a film greenhouse, keep non-woven in stock, and vice versa.


