Medicinal properties of juniper fruits

useful properties of juniper fruits Juniper is widely used in landscaping parks and in the landscape design of country houses. There are three subspecies of this culture: horizontal, medium and tall.

The coniferous plant releases a large amount of phytoncides into the environment, which purify the air. Juniper has a positive effect on the entire human body. The roots, bark and needles of this culture have healing properties.

It is impossible to use the fruits of all varieties of juniper for medicinal purposes. Only juniper cones are edible.

Edible Juniper Cones

Fruit common juniper are cones of dark blue or light blue color with three seeds. They are mistakenly called berries due to their size and presence of pulp. The flesh of juniper cones is brown, with a tart spicy taste.

Only ripe juniper fruits can be collected and harvested for medicinal purposes. Unripe buds are green.

Medicinal properties of juniper fruits

Juniper cones have a variety of medicinal properties. They have on the human body:

  • antibacterial;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, they improve blood composition and normalize the digestive system.

Juniper fruits are used in folk medicine for the prevention of colds viral diseases. Tea, decoctions are prepared from them, and fresh fruits are also consumed.

During a flu outbreak, eat five juniper fruits a day. Increase their number daily by adding one cone to fifteen. Then also gradually reduce their number to five. Take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment again.

It is possible to use juniper fruits for medicinal purposes only with the normal functioning of all internal organs. For people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and heart, their use is contraindicated.

Cooking applications

Juniper cones are widely used in cooking for desserts, drinks and main dishes. As a spice, juniper is added to meat and fish.

If you are making your own cold smoked food, add a handful of juniper fruits to the smoker. They will give the finished product a spicy aroma and enrich its taste.

Also, juniper cones are used in the preparation of kvass and jelly.


