Why does the cherry not bear fruit?
Sweet cherry is a tree that can bear fruit for a hundred years. But in order for the sweet cherry to give large yields, it is necessary to properly care for it.
Choosing a cherry variety
When laying a garden, it is important to choose zoned cherry varieties... In cold climates, early ripening varieties will take root better. Cherry flower buds are more sensitive to cold than deciduous ones. With spring frosts, the branches of the tree may not be affected, but the flower buds will freeze. Therefore, it is better to choose varieties with increased cold resistance.
Correct fit
Often cherries do not bear fruit due to improper planting. The root collar of a fruit tree must not be buried in the ground. It must be kept at ground level, and the graft must be raised 10 cm above ground level. If the root collar is too deep in the soil, then the development of the tree is delayed. The cherry will later enter the fruiting period and the berries will be smaller.
The place for planting cherries should be on the south or southwest side of the site. Most of the daylight hours direct sunlight should fall on the cherries.
Cherry fruiting period
Sweet cherries begin to bear fruit 4 years after planting. The tree bears fruit every year. Cherry begins to bear fruit in full force only after reaching 10 to 12 years, depending on the variety. Yellow cherries begin to bear fruit earlier than red or pink varieties. The tree will start bearing fruit earlier if the seedling was grown in a container. It is possible to speed up the entry of cherries into fruiting if you provide good nutrition to the tree and add to the soil every season mineral fertilizers.
Fertilization and watering
Sweet cherry does not like stagnant water. This is a drought-resistant crop, so watering it is enough only three times per season. 10 liters of water are poured under a 4-year-old cherry in one watering. The first time is watered during the blooming of flower buds, the second - after flowering, the third - after harvesting.
In early spring, when the snow is melting, the tree is fed with nitroammophos to increase the ovary. Cherry is especially hard to tolerate a lack of potassium, therefore, in early May, before flowering, potash and magnesium-containing fertilizers are applied to the soil. After flowering - again potash fertilizers, but together with herbal infusion or a solution of organic fertilizers.
In the summer, beans, mustard or phacelia can be planted in the trunk circle. Then mow it and embed it in the soil.
It is better not to apply nitrogen fertilizers in the autumn period, since the sweet cherry will begin to grow intensively, its shoots will not have time to ripen and will freeze in winter.