Why chickens don't lay in the fall - the main reasons for the fall in egg production

Tell me why chickens don't rush in the fall? We have a lot of hens, they are good hens and breed chickens themselves. And eggs, too, were always in abundance, they even sold most of them. But with the onset of autumn, they began to lay at first less, then a period came when a couple of eggs a week. I already thought about cutting out a little, but it's a pity. What could be the reason and can you somehow increase egg production?

why chickens do not rush in autumn Even the best laying hen has a period when there are no eggs in the hen house. Most often this happens with the onset of a cold snap. The question of why chickens do not rush in the fall is of interest to many poultry breeders. If the cockerels are bred for the sake of tasty meat, then the task of the chickens is to give eggs and hatch the chickens. What happens to the bird that it changes its "schedule"?

Why chickens don't rush in autumn - possible reasons

autumn decline in egg production

Regardless of breed, chickens only fly when they mature and have a limited production period. As a rule, up to 6 months, the body of the bird is formed, and the chick grows, turning into a chicken. And only after that does she begin to lay eggs. The highest egg production is in the first year of life, and then every year there are fewer eggs. Old chickens stop laying at all, but usually they are not kept for so long and are slaughtered for meat.

In addition to age, a decrease in egg production, especially in autumn, may be due to:

  • improper diet and lack of water;
  • molting;
  • changes in "living conditions" (cold and little light);
  • diseases or parasites.

Unbalanced diet

chicken nutritionThe diet of chickens should contain vitamins and trace elements, and if they are not enough, the bird rushes poorly. One head per day needs at least 120 g stern, and the third part must be protein. In addition to grain, chickens should be given greens, vegetables, bone meal, chalk. And also sand and salt to improve digestion.

Chickens should definitely get calcium, because they use their own reserves to feed. Without renewing them, they will not be able to carry eggs either. Or they will extract vitamins from the shell by pecking eggs.


moltChickens molt almost every year, and most often this happens in the fall. The process takes up to 2 months and during this time they hardly rush. It remains only to wait until the bird renews its feathers. But stress and lack of vitamins can accelerate molting. So the question of a balanced diet is also important in this case.

Uncomfortable atmosphere in the chicken coop

lighting in the chicken coopIn autumn, it becomes cold outside, and daylight hours are reduced. If it is cold and dark in the coop too, the chickens stop rushing. The room must have a window and artificial lighting.

Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours, and even more for some breeds.

Diseases and parasites

chicken diseasesA bird that is suffering from parasites is under severe stress. She begins to eat poorly, which affects egg production. Chickens can develop ticks, bugs, or tapeworms. Chickens also cease to carry as a result of diseases such as vitamin deficiency, bird flu, staphylococcus aureus, typhus.

Even starting with young animals, it is recommended to vaccinate the bird. And in case of illness, such individuals must be separated and treated.

Top 5 Reasons for Falling Egg Production in Fall and Winter


