Why peony does not bloom: 9 reasons with a simple solution

The greenery in the flowerbed is good, but the flowers on it are even better. Some gardeners have a question why the peony does not bloom if it seems that everything is done correctly. There are 7 reasons for this adverse event. They hide in the wrong place or planting technology. At the same time, due to frequent transplants, large divisions and a lack of moisture or potassium, the culture may also stop blooming. Therefore, the gardener needs to carefully analyze all these and other points.
Why peony does not bloom: 3 common problems

Before starting any specific actions, it is worth taking into account that these plants develop rather slowly. The flower will take time for its root system to fully develop and become strong. In addition, it is important to know which year the peonies bloom after planting. As some gardeners have noticed, the buds of young seedlings are tied during the first 2 years. Therefore, do not worry ahead of time. In other cases, the lack of flowering is due to several factors.
If the ovaries appear on the bush earlier than 2 years later, it is recommended to pluck them immediately. This will protect the young seedling from depletion and ensure timely bud formation.
Landing site: more light - less moisture

In this regard, the culture is very capricious in the choice of soil. Its root system does not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, the peony is planted away from groundwater. If it is impossible to do this, then an embankment up to 1 meter is formed on the flower bed. In addition, the site must be well lit.
No need to plant flowers:
- near high fences;
- near trees with dense crowns;
- under a canopy or roof.

As a result, the gardener will not have a question why the peonies change color. After all, they will receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation.
In hot weather, the buds can still turn pinkish, and in the rainy season, their color will turn yellow.
There are several more reasons why peonies change their color. One of them is the composition of the soil. With an excess of nitrogen (due to mulching with organic mixtures or humus), the petals brighten. The introduction of potash fertilizers makes their colors more intense.
Errors when planting / replanting peonies - "urgently for revision"

The flower grower expects that in one place the culture will grow up to 10-20 years. For this reason, its rhizome does not need to be buried too deep in the ground or placed very close to the surface. The maximum depth of the planting hole is 70 cm and the width is 80 cm.
It is filled with soil substrate according to a simple scheme:
- broken brick or coarse river sand is laid on the bottom;
- pour a mixture consisting of soil, sand, peat, granular mineral fertilizers and compost;
- add the same composition only without top dressing;
- a light soil mixture of sand, compost and peat is introduced from above.

It is not recommended to firmly tamp the periosteal circle, so as not to harm the kidneys responsible for renewal. If the planting is carried out in heavy types of soils, then the distance from the ground to the upper bud should be about 3-5 cm, and in light substrates - up to 7 cm.
Buds located too high from the surface of the earth will freeze slightly in winter and dry out in summer.

Another common reason why the peony does not bloom is the incorrect division of the bush during transplantation.In this case, the principle does not work - the more roots, the better the result. The optimal number of renewal buds is 2-3 pieces, as well as several adventitious roots. Small plots ensure the full development of a young seedling. Therefore, large specimens must be divided and transferred to a new location.
However, you should not transplant the culture too often, otherwise it will constantly get sick due to a lack of internal resources.
Now the gardener knows what to do if the peonies are not blooming. Still, there are several more features of their cultivation.
Peonies without flowering: 6 hidden factors

Soil acidity plays an important role in flower development. In too acidic substrates, the bush begins to hurt. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain this indicator in the normal range, that is, pH 6.5-7. To do this, sometimes liming the soil is carried out or dolomite flour is added to it (once a year). In addition, it is important to know how to make peonies bloom with a minimum of effort. To do this, he should not be disturbed in the spring.

Planting or transplanting bushes is planned for the end of summer or mid-November. Still, there is nothing wrong with spring planting, it is just important to know some of the intricacies of this procedure.
Peonies are plants that "wake up" very early. Any injuries inflicted during this period significantly postpone their flowering period.
Other possible reasons for the lack of budding in flowers include:
- "Advanced" age. If this is the problem, then the specimen is transplanted. In addition, the bush is fed organic or phosphorus fertilizers.
- Early pruning. The procedure is carried out not immediately after dropping the buds, but in late autumn. By that time, the rhizome will have time to accumulate nutrients and thoroughly prepare for winter.
- Lack of adequate nutrition. The plantings should be fed 2-3 times during the whole season. Excess nitrogen leads to active growth of green mass. Phosphorus and potassium compounds promote the formation of ovaries.
- Diseases. If there was a lot of rain in the fall, then gray rot could arise in the plant, which eats away at living fibers.

In order to avoid infection of peonies with fungal spores, planting is recommended to be treated with fungicides. The procedure is carried out up to 2-4 times throughout the season.
Given these points, one can understand why the peony does not bloom. As you can see, often the reason lies in the composition of the soil or the place of its planting. Sometimes the age of the plant affects the appearance of ovaries. In some cases, improper transplantation (dividing the bush) or pruning a specimen leads to sad consequences. In this regard, before planting a plant, it is important to collect the maximum amount of information about it. Then the gardener will not have additional questions.