Why do the tips of dracaena leaves dry and what to do about it?
In a healthy dracaena, which is kept in comfortable conditions for it and which is properly looked after, long leaves have a rich dark green color, uniform along their entire length. If suddenly dry yellow patches at the ends appear on the leaf plates, you should immediately take measures so as not to lose the plant. To do this, from the beginning it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon, and only then correct mistakes in care or other factors that led to the defeat.
The main reasons for the drying out of the leaf tips in dracaena are:
- insufficiently humid air in the room;
- violations in the mode of watering a flower;
- excess light;
- damage by pests.
Low air humidity
Most often, leaves dry out in winter, when heating batteries are working in the room. Dracaena - a native of the humid tropics, so dry air is absolutely unacceptable for her. To increase the humidity, the crown must be sprayed daily. You can also put a glass of water next to the pot. Evaporating, it will help dracaena survive the heating season. In the summer, the flower should be sprayed several times a day and regularly arrange "shower procedures" for it.
If the lower leaves on the flower gradually and periodically (on average, once every two years) completely dry out, there is no reason for concern. Thus, the plant simply gets rid of the old foliage.
Watering problems
Despite the fact that the dracaena loves moisture, it does not touch the ground - it just has to have time to dry out. Stagnant moisture is just as harmful to the flower as dry air. It is enough to water the plant once a week, and the rest of the time - spray on the leaf.
However, it is impossible for the soil to dry completely - in this case, the leaves will not only dry out from the ends, but also become lethargic and gradually fall off.
The wrong place
The most optimal place for dracaena is away from sun-drenched windows. Direct rays literally burn spots on the leaves, both at the tips and along the entire length of the leaf.
Some types of dracaena grow well even on northern windows. However, it should be borne in mind that varieties with variegated foliage still need more illumination than plain plants.
The presence of pests
Dracaena leaves begin to dry from the tips, and then completely, if settled on the bush shield... The most effective method of struggle is to pick up insects with your hands while they are still young and have not had time to be covered with a rough shell. Otherwise, you will have to resort to special drugs.
Hello! How can I find out the name of a flower and how to care for and transplant it
This dracaena, I must admit, is a little neglected. See the forking at the bottom of the single trunk? There she was once circumcised. In order to form a beautiful lush crown, it was necessary to continue to trim each of the new stems. And so they stretched out, bent, and the flower lost its beautiful appearance. But everything can be corrected, because it is not too late to cut the dracaena, and it is better to do it radically - there will be no leaves on the bald stems.Cut each of the branches, leaving about 15 cm of its height. You can shorten them at one level, or at different levels, by steps. Cover the cuts with activated charcoal, cover with sphagnum or a bag and wait for the appearance of new, even and lush-leafy branches. The tops with leaves (even) do not need to be thrown away - they will make new palms. Details on how to cut a dragon tree are written here https://myvilla.decorexpro.com/en/kak-pravilno-obrezat-dracenu-chtoby/... And you can learn about the features of caring for her from this article. https://myvilla.decorexpro.com/en/pravila-ukhoda-za-dracenoy-doma/.
What is this plant
This is definitely a house palm, similar to a variety of fragrant dracaena. A beautiful tree has grown, although single-stemmed, but still quite lush. When the palm tree begins to lose its lower leaves and the lower part of the trunk is exposed, you can prune it. Then it will branch out and get a lush crown with several trunks. How to care for such a flower, including how to cut it, can be read here https://myvilla.decorexpro.com/en/ukhod-i-razmnozhenie-doma-drazeny-dushistoy/.
Please tell me what kind of flower it is and how to care for it.
This Hemantus is a bulbous plant from the amaryllis family. The people have many names for their lop-eared shaggy leaves. Among them: deer tongue, hare ears. If you provide it with a cool winter, it will delight you with original flowering. It is not picky about air humidity, you need to be careful with watering - it will not forgive waterlogging.