Why is there a white bloom in a flower pot and what to do about it

Recently, I began to notice that the soil on top of my flowers turned white. This did not affect the general condition of the plants, all the pets are alive and well. Tell me, why could there be white bloom on the ground in flower pots? Is there anything you can do about it?

white bloom What is the main thing when growing indoor plants? Of course, a good soil, because it is he who gives our flowers the nutrients, thanks to which they actively grow and delight with their flowering. Poor-quality soil not only inhibits growth, but can also cause the death of indoor crops, so all growers carefully choose a suitable substrate for their pets. However, it often happens that a good, nutritious soil mixture is covered with a white blanket.

There may be several reasons why the ground in flower pots is covered with a white coating, namely:

  • poor-quality water is used for irrigation;
  • a fungal infection has settled in the flowerpot.

Water problemslimescale

Regardless of the type of indoor plants for all flowers, there is a general rule: for irrigation, you need to use only settled water, and even better - rainwater. Tap water passes through purification systems and is "enriched" with some elements that flowers do not like, such as chlorine. In addition, it is too hard, so after watering, lime sediment appears on the surface of the earth. Outwardly, such a soil looks like dry white granules, if they are carefully removed, an ordinary black soil is visible from below. This is usually what they do, removing the top layer and pouring fresh soil mixture into the pot.

To prevent the appearance of sediment, flowers should be watered only with settled water. You can soften it with a homemade filter, putting a little in a rag bag peat and dropping into a container of water. Flower shops also sell special softeners.

To neutralize lime compounds, it is recommended to add lemon juice or kitchen acid (citric) to the water.

Fungus in the soilmold

If the white bloom in the pot is wet and resembles fluff, and an unpleasant putrid smell emanates from the ground, then a fungus has settled there. We often create a suitable microclimate for the emergence and progression of mold and rot ourselves, intensively flooding the plant. And as you know, constantly moist soil is an ideal environment for many diseases.

In this case, it is better to take the most drastic measures and completely replace priming to fresh. Treatment with fungicides in order to destroy and prevent fungal infections will not interfere. Henceforth, in watering, you should observe the golden mean and be sure to monitor the moisture content of the substrate.

Video on how to get rid of white bloom in flower pots

  1. Zoya

    What is the name of this flower

    • Olga

      You are growing peperomia magnolia-leaved from the pepper family. Quite unpretentious plant, prefers diffused lighting and warmth all year round (there is no dormant period). Watering is moderate, even rare in winter, but you need to spray regularly in winter. More information about flower care can be found here https://myvilla.decorexpro.com/en/vyrashhivanie-peperomii-doma/.


