Why don't I keep cocks in my flock of chickens

handsome cock Whereas earlier it was believed that roosters play an extremely important role in a flock of chickens, then in modern poultry farming this statement seems already outdated. Now many do not keep roosters, and those who do, prefer one male for the whole flock. I belong to the first, and I will tell you why further.

I'll start with the benefits of keeping a rooster in a flock. They fertilize chickens, protect the flock from predators, keep order - stop squabbles between chickens, seek out treats on the lawn, serve as a good alarm clock and a standard of attractiveness among chickens.

Now let's look at all these benefits in more detail to objectively assess the potential role of a rooster in a flock.


laying hens

You probably know very well that chickens laid eggs, the cock is not needed. However, chicks will not hatch from eggs unless the eggs have been fertilized by the rooster. This is a compelling argument for keeping males if you like to watch chicks hatch from eggs and plan to increase flock numbers.

However, thanks to the Internet, it is now easy to order fertilized chicken eggs from hatchery stations, in the event that you cannot find them on local farms. I was happy when chickens hatched from these eggs ordered on the Internet. Therefore, I do not think that for the sake of one week a year it is worth having a rooster in order to get several fertilized eggs. In addition, you will have the opportunity to buy eggs from hens of different breeds - different from those you already have.

Security guard

chicken guardThe rooster will stand guard, peering into the sky or trees, while chickens peck food or take dust baths. Noticing something suspicious, the rooster sounds an alarm, warning the chickens of the danger.

However, even the strongest and bravest rooster is not able to repel the attack of most predators, including dogs, foxes, coyotes, hawks and ferrets - most likely, he will be their first victim. Of course, bravely attacking the enemy, he can give the chickens time to escape, but for any animal this is a terrible death, and I do not even want to think about such a fate for the roosters. Instead, I prefer the safe closed corral for my chickens when I'm in the yard. In addition, our two dogs are much better than any rooster will be able to protect the flock from predators.

There is another catch about males - a “good” rooster will most likely see the enemy in you and other family members, not to mention your friends or guests. For example, I get tired of having to carry a rake with me whenever I go to check my eggs! Honestly, it's not at all laughing when a rooster attacks you. They are capable of shredding even tough denim, and strong blows with spurs can cause serious wounds. Therefore, if you have small children, think carefully before getting a rooster.


finding foodJust as a caring mother hen looks for worms, beetles, seeds and other delicacies for her chickens, so the rooster does the same for his ladies. It is very interesting to watch how he, having found a treat, is excitedly happy, makes a shrill bubbling sound and jumps up before tossing the treat at the feet of his beloved chicken.

But, to be honest, I have enough of these "intelligence operations" from the hens. In addition, my chickens have grown older and already know very well those places in the yard where you can find bugs and worms.


young chickensAnother function of the rooster is to separate the fighting chickens.Despite the fact that chickens live together for many years, sometimes they sort things out among themselves or attack those who are lower in the hierarchy. The rooster can maintain a peaceful environment in the flock. In addition, in its absence, one of the chickens often takes on a dominant role and becomes a little cocky at the same time.

I am lucky that in my flock all the chickens get along well with each other. In addition, the role of the referee, to some extent, is taken over by our ducks - they almost immediately stop any showdown between the hens. In my opinion, the best way to avoid fights is to divert the attention of the chickens to something interesting. To do this, you need to provide them with a lot of space for walking and something to keep them occupied - it can be a pile of straw, leaves or weeds; open air perches; areas for dust baths, etc.

In my opinion, the presence of a rooster in a flock is a cause for concern among chickens, as he has a habit of constantly chasing them. Those of my older girls have spent most of their lives without a rooster and are not used to amorous courtship!

Alarm clock

I have a mobile phone to set an alarm for when I want wake up. And as soon as I turn it off, it becomes silent. This is enough for me.

the beauty

cock owner

I agree - there is nothing more beautiful than admiring a majestic rooster with feathers shining in the sun, a large red comb and "beard", as well as tail feathers fluttering in the wind! However ... there are equally wonderful breeds of chickens!

With all that said, I personally prefer not to keep a rooster in my flock. I am happy that my chickens do not have the wounds on the back, which the rooster inflicts with his spurs during mating. If I decide that it is necessary to increase the number of chickens in the flock, then I simply buy fertilized eggs. In addition, I can enjoy the silence all day long without being disturbed by the crowing of a rooster.

I agree that the crowing of a rooster is most associated with the atmosphere of village life. In addition, I enjoy watching little cockerels when they first try to crow ... It is nevertheless a relief to be taken into good hands before they become aggressive. Fortunately, focusing on the rather rare breeds makes it easy for me to breed young males.

If you do decide to keep a rooster, here are some helpful tips:

Good ratio of hens to roosters in the flock

reliable protectionKeeping one rooster in a flock of 10-12 chickens will help reduce the risk of feather spoilage and injury to chickens.

Compliant breed

Compliant roosters will show less aggression towards humans. Such breeds include: Orpington, Australorp, Faverol and even Silky and Bentham.


Raising males from day old chicks and constant contact with them subsequently leads to a significant decrease in aggression.

Buy special protection for chickens

You should anticipate that during mating, the rooster can injure the chickens with its claws. Special “saddles” will help protect the backs of birds, while they do not interfere with the growth of new feathers.

However, it should be borne in mind that "saddles" slightly restrict the movement of chickens and prevent them from fluffing their feathers in order to cool the body in summer and warm it in winter. In addition, the darkness and warmth under the “saddle” is a favorable breeding ground for ticks and lice. Therefore, think carefully before making the final decision on the purchase of "saddles".

As for the incessant crowing ... that's up to you!

The owner of the poultry yard - video

  1. Sergey

    I read what they wrote about the rooster. The author doesn't keep chickens at all. In your case, you can have a photo wallpaper on the wall and purchased eggs from your neighbors

    • Natali

      A foreign poultry breeder shared his personal experience.

  2. SSA

    He wrote everything correctly, today he got tired of his own, he was tired of yelling around the clock and rushing along with the chickens did not stop. Today is the first day I get high in the courtyard, silence.


