Why do the leaves of a rose turn yellow - looking for reasons

yellow leaves by the roseA beautiful well-kept rose garden in the front garden is the pride of any hostess. Due to the duration and frequency of flowering, roses have become quite popular decorative crops. However, even the most resistant varieties can develop diseases as a result of weather conditions, pests and growing errors. And in some situations, you can observe how the leaves of a rose turn yellow - what to do in such cases?

We select fertilizers

A change in the color of the leaf mass in a plant may occur due to a lack or an excess of fertilizers. Since at different periods of development, the culture needs various nutrients and the lack of even any one element becomes the reason why the leaves of the rose turn yellow.

The main trace elements that have a strong influence on the development of the rose bush:

  • Nitrogen. This type of fertilizer is necessary for increased growth and accumulation of vegetative mass. Its lack makes the leaves first light green, after which the rose turns yellow and its leaf mass begins to fall prematurely. In this case, the formation of short thin shoots, slow growth and weak flowering are observed. At the same time, the decorative effect of the bush is sharply reduced. An excess of this trace element is characterized by a rapid vegetation and a decrease in winter hardiness.
  • Phosphorus. With its insufficient amount, the development of both the ground part and the root part is delayed in the bush. Therefore, the leaves of the rose turn yellow and then fall off. With an excess of phosphorus, the rose begins to become very woody, which leads to its premature aging.
  • Potassium. For the full formation of buds and shoots, the flower needs potassium and phosphorus. The maximum consumption of these microelements is reached during flowering and outflow into new shoots. Potassium starvation contributes to the appearance of yellow spots and browning on the leaves. As a result, they die off, and the development of the bush slows down dramatically.
  • Iron deficiency can lead to chlorosis. The symptom of this disease is the appearance of yellow spots on the leaf, after which all the leaves of the rose turn yellow and fall off.

Timely application of complex fertilizers and preventive spraying with biostimulants such as Epin or Zircon will help to avoid such problems.

Diseases and pests from which rose leaves turn yellow

Also, the reason why the leaves of a garden rose turn yellow are various illness and pests, both explicit and latent. Very often on its leaves you can find fungal diseases that arise on a healthy bush and form a mycelium there. Experience has shown that viruses are usually carried from new plants or through contaminated garden tools.

Roses turn yellow with the following infectious diseases:

  • Black spot.
  • Mosaic.
  • Powdery mildew, common or false.
  • Rust.

black spot and rust

To avoid the appearance of infectious diseases, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures in the spring, which should include the treatment of bushes and soil around them with special agents.

Newly purchased plants should be soaked in a fungicidal solution before planting, which will prevent the development of an infectious disease, if any.

larvaeAlso, the leaves of a rose may turn yellow if it is attacked by pests:

  • Spider mite. It appears as small white grains on the inside of the leaf.
  • Rose leafhopper.This insect is easy to spot from the underside of the leaf, as it is yellow in color and up to 4 mm in size.
  • May beetle larvae. In this case, the rose not only turns yellow, but also withers rapidly.

Spraying with special insecticides will help get rid of fungal diseases and pests.

Video: rust is the reason for the yellowness of rose leaves

  1. Vladislav

    Thank you very much for the informative article. I love garden roses very much and I grow them in a flower garden. Several years ago I bought 2-3 varieties, and this summer about 15 different varieties were blooming. But on some bushes last summer the leaves were covered with black spots, and the flowers from the bud could not bloom. Spraying did not give results. From the photo I realized that my roses were struck by Black Spot. Maybe someone knows what kind of means you need to spray the bushes, and in what proportions to get rid of the disease?

  2. Valentina

    I love roses !!! I treat the queen of flowers to the always remaining old jam, I just dilute it with water, add yeast and let it ferment ... and pour this cake at the root !!
    I insist the remaining zhmyg several times with yeast, but only in warm weather ... until the sugar is gone and the rest of the jam is dripped under the trees ...
    I treat diseases and lice in the evening or in the morning with vodka from a pulvisator ... the affected leaves will fall off, new beautiful greens and buds will grow


