Light and loose soil with sawdust for tomato seedlings - features of cooking at home

How is the soil prepared with sawdust for tomato seedlings at home? I read that the substrate with their addition can be used to grow any seedlings, since it becomes looser. I am interested in tomatoes, because we have our own small greenhouse. We plant mainly for ourselves, in small quantities. For seedlings, I always bought a ready-made, universal soil. I want to try to make it myself in order to reduce costs, because most of the components are already available. Sawdust and sand were left after the construction of the wooden deck and the pouring of the foundation. What else is needed and in what proportions?

soil with sawdust for tomato seedlings Surely you have noticed more than once that the most delicious and largest tomatoes grow from home seedlings. And to grow it, in turn, you need a nutritious and light soil, while it is not at all necessary to buy it. Soil with sawdust for tomato seedlings is an excellent and economical option for preparing a fertile substrate. At the same time, sawdust acts as several components at once and simultaneously performs several tasks. They may well replace peat or "work" together with it, increasing the looseness of the soil. At the same time, sawdust provides seedlings with vital moisture, since they themselves absorb it and gradually release it. Thus, the soil under the seedlings will not dry out, which means that the tomatoes will develop evenly and will not die.

When growing seedlings of tomatoes and most other horticultural and flower crops, it is worth considering the origin of sawdust. It is better to use only hardwoods for preparing the soil. Coniferous sawdust contains a large amount of resin. They will slow down the processing of nutrients into compounds available for seedlings. In addition, many conifers have the ability to increase acidity, which is also "not to the liking" of garden crops.

Features of the use of sawdust in soil mixtures

how to add sawdust to substrates

Since microorganisms live in fresh sawdust, which, with the help of nitrogen, promote their decomposition, they cannot be used in this form. Otherwise, the seedlings, which also need nitrogen, will receive less of it, and in a catastrophic amount. Fresh sawdust can be added to the soil only after it has been enriched with mineral fertilizers. For each kilogram of sawdust, add 20 g of ammonium nitrate. And be sure to disinfect by pouring boiling water before this.

However, the best option is to use rotted sawdust. For this:

  • prepare a solution from a bucket of water and 1 tbsp. urea;
  • moisten sawdust with it;
  • covered with black film and left for a month;
  • then add manure in an amount equal to sawdust;
  • within a month, the compost is periodically watered with herbal infusions and mixed;
  • ready-made, rotted, sawdust, used to compose substrates.

In the early stages of growing seedlings, sawdust can be used just like that, without land. Seeds are sown directly in them, and after the seedlings grow up, the seedlings are transplanted into a substrate with the addition of sawdust.

Soil with sawdust for tomato seedlings - options for preparing the substrate

how to make a soil mixture with sawdustSawdust can be added to the soil as an additional component, or they can replace peat. Depending on this, there are such options for preparing the soil mixture:

  1. Garden land 1 share, sawdust 2 shares.Mix and fill with solution (potassium sulfate + superphosphate).
  2. Compost, peat, garden soil and sawdust in equal proportions, dry superphosphate and ash.
  3. Peat, sand and sawdust are mixed in equal parts. Then add the same amount of deciduous soil, a little mullein and superphosphate to one part of this soil mixture.

The whole truth about sawdust is an undeservedly abused organic


