What can be done from plastic bottles with your own hands for a summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden
The trend of rational use of household waste has recently become more and more popular, especially with regard to plastic containers. You can make almost the entire country interior and not only from plastic bottles with your own hands. One of the main advantages of such a material is a long service life, moreover, it is very elastic. Do not forget that plastic bottles are an affordable material that every owner or hostess always has in stock.
Having shown ingenuity and a little imagination, you can not only make the necessary and useful things that will decorate the site, but also free it from unnecessary trash without harming nature. After all, it is known that plastic decomposes for a very long time, and when burned, it releases hazardous substances. Therefore, it is better not to throw bottles into the fire or take them to the landfill - they can still serve in the form of various homemade, some variants of which are presented in the article. Read:flower beds from tires original ideas!
Cheap and cheerful - we make flower beds from bottles
Plastic containers are ideal for flower bedsbecause it has a great advantage over wood and even metal. Wooden fencing on flower beds or flower beds dries up or decays over time under the influence of moisture and sun. Even metal curbs are prone to corrosion and require periodic maintenance, such as regular painting.
And what about plastic? For a long time, it does not lose its shape and does not collapse. This means that such a flower bed will last for more than one season or even more than one year, moreover, it does not require maintenance at all. Even if a “breakdown” occurs, the desired “element” can always be found in the pantry and can be easily replaced without resorting to long tedious shopping trips in order to find a suitable fragment.
So, what can you do with your own plastic bottles?
See on topic garden ideas!
Bottle borders
The shape and size of the flower bed depends only on the imagination of the summer resident: it can be either equilateral or in the form of some animal or plant. You can also break the flower bed into segments with bottles.
Even a child can build a bottle curb (with the help of adults, of course):
- The first step on the site should be drawn with a sharp object or covered with sand the contours of the flower bed.
- Free the bottles from the labels, wash, pour sand into them and screw the cap. If this is not available, you can use ordinary earth or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty containers will quickly fall out of the fence.
- Dig a groove along the outlined contour so that the bottle can be deepened into it by about 1/3.
- Place the filled bottles in the groove with the neck down, as close as possible to each other, and cover with earth.
For a visual effect, you can use bottles of different colors of plastic (green, white, brown).
Some summer residents do without dropping bottles. For example, bottles without bottoms are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. The finished structure can be "put on" bush or take the tree trunk circle into the ring. To secure the curb, it must be pressed tightly to the ground with arcs.
Multi-tiered flower bed
If you really want to have a flower garden, and there is too little space, you can do it yourself from plastic bottles multi-tiered flower bed... The principle is the same as in the construction of the curb, only after laying the first tier, it is necessary to fill it with nutritious soil, and only then lay out the next floor.
When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to pick up moisture-loving specimens, since when watering, the water will flow down.
Mini flower beds
Beautiful and useful crafts for a summer residence can be made from 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve as miniature and cute little beds, for example, in the shape of everyone's favorite pigs.
Group compositions in the form of trains with flowers look no less impressive.
And if, instead of flowers, sow lawn grass, a large bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green thorns. It remains only to attach the eyes and nose.
Those who are not afraid of small rodents will love cute mice from small (liter) bottles. It is good to plant petunias in them.
Flower pots and planters
With a little imagination, plastic bottles can be easily transformed into small decorative pots for flowers or spicy herbs. You can make them even or cut them for a face-shaped marker. Such flowerpots will look great not only in the garden gazebo, but also in the house on the windowsill.
But if you put a cover made of fabric on the cut bottle and attach the ropes, you get elegant pots for the summer veranda.
The easiest way to make hanging pots is to cut fragments of the walls from both sides of the bottle, and fasten a tourniquet under the neck for hanging. In such flowerpots, compact low-growing plants can be planted.
Making a beautiful garden path
Especially popular with summer residents are paths made of plastic containers. The strength of such a path depends on the method of laying and what part of the plastic container serves as a building material:
- Laying cut bottoms in the sand. Dig a trench along the width of the passage, fill it first with construction waste, and then with sand. Moisten it. Cut the bottoms of the bottles (leaving ½ part) and lay them tightly, tamping them into the sand. So that the bottoms do not part, you can fill the space with fine gravel.
- Cementing plugs. Pour the prepared trench with a solution (for 1 part of cement 4 parts of sand and a little building glue) and deepen the covers into it, spreading them according to color or patterns.
Plastic bottle tracks become very slippery in winter.
Fun playground - decorating a place for children's games
Caring parents always strive to give their children a place in the country for games, where children can pass the time while adults are busy in the garden. Of course, it should be not only safe, but also colorful to please the little ones. With plastic bottles, it's easy to decorate your playground by making a variety of plants and animals. Ordinary paint will help to give them brightness.
In the shade under a palm tree
What is a playground without a sandbox? And where there is sand, a palm tree must "grow". For the Tropicana, you will need green and brown bottles for the trunk and leaves, respectively.
Before proceeding with the assembly, you need to take care of a solid base. For example, fix a metal pin in a concrete screed, and it should be quite long so that the tree turns out to be tall, and children can freely walk under it.
When the base is fixed, you can start "growing" the palm:
- cut off half of the bottle (the top with a neck is not needed) and form a jagged edge;
- make a hole in the center of the bottom, string the blanks onto the base pin, while bending the cloves to the side for a more natural look;
- cut off the bottom of the green bottle and make straight cuts along the entire contour to the point where the wall passes into the neck (if desired, the branches can be made curly - cut into 4 parts and each have cloves);
- string fragments of branches onto the base;
- firmly attach the finished branches to the top of the stem (by welding or construction harnesses).
If there are still many green bottles left after assembling the palm, you can make a small (or large) Christmas tree from them. Remove the bottom of the bottle and cut it into long narrow strips up to the very neck. Cut the edges of the stripes curly to resemble thorns. String the leaves onto the base.
Such a Christmas tree will look great on the playground in winter, especially under the snow, and will also help out on New Year's Eve those who did not have time to buy a live tree in a hurry.
Guests from a fairy tale - funny animals
And of course, on country playground there must be toys. Children often take their old favorites out into the street. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the “zoo”, creating real masterpieces - from the fabulous Frog Princess and the Goldfish to modern cartoon characters.
Take, for example, a handsome cat painted with black and white paint. Or you can use brown beer bottles, and you get a brown cat, also beautiful.
Form a head from two bottoms from the bottle (connect them), while the bends on the bottoms will indeed look like a real head. On one of them, paint eyes, eyebrows and a mustache with white paint, and a neat tongue with red. Insert the cut out small ears on top. For the body, string the same short-cut bottoms on the base, the last to close the body. Fuse the edges of the bottoms. Walk with white paint along the melted contour of the ears and body fragments, and make a white speck on the breast on the front bottom.
Glue the head and legs - the tops of bottles with an elongated neck will come in handy for them. Cut them off to the point where the bottle expands, cut the edges with sharp teeth and build legs from 4-5 parts, putting them on the base wire. Screw the plugs onto the upper necks, glue the legs to the body with them. For the tail, take a long wire and string the narrowest parts of the neck onto it, but without plugs. To make the tail fluffy, cut the edges into thin strips.
Beautiful beasts from plastic bottles also obtained from large 5-liter containers. With the right combination of bottles of different sizes and with the help of bright colors, a zebra, horse, cow, donkey and even a giraffe can be settled on the site.
Flowers for my daughter
In the sandbox, children do not only make Easter cakes. Little girls are very fond of flowers and often pick dandelions on the lawn (or roses at my mother's flowerbed) to plant them in your sandy garden. But you can make a whole greenhouse of flowers from bottles, while the girls will gladly take part in the manufacture of the simplest options. Chamomiles, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flower growers will be able to repeatedly "transplant" them from one garden bed to another without harming the plants and mother's nerves.
For flowers you will need:
- stem wire;
- smooth parts of bottles for cutting leaves from them;
- necks or bottoms for the very inflorescences;
- paint.
More complex options can be made by adults. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also flower beds.
Plastic design for garden
Crafts for giving from plastic bottles have a wide range of applications.So, if small animals and birds look appropriate in flower beds and playgrounds, then larger animals can be placed in the garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique look and revitalize it.
Amazing garden sculptures
Representatives of large birds made of plastic look almost alive. With the help of multi-colored paints, you can achieve a stunning realistic effect. To make them, you just need to master the technique of cutting feathers from the sides of the bottles and prepare a frame on which they will be fixed.
They will look very impressive in the garden:
- peacock;
- flamingo;
- eagle.
In the garden, you can settle sculptures of not only birds, but also large enough animals so that they are not lost against the background of tall trees.
Among the greenery, a bright spot will be a white lamb, which is quite easy to make if there are 2 liter and a few 1.5 liter bottles lying around in the pantry:
- Cut off the neck of two 2L bottles and put them on top of each other - this will be an elongated head. Cut long ears from the third bottle, roll them up a little with a tube and attach to the head in the appropriate places with wire (or glue). Eyes can be drawn or two plugs can be glued.
- For the body, insert a whole bottle into the bottle cut from the top with the neck inside. Make 3 more such blanks and attach them to the first one on the sides and on top, thus giving the lamb the required "waist" volume.
- The neck will be a whole two-liter bottle, which should be fixed on the body at an angle of about 120 degrees so that the cork is on top.
- Set the head to the neck (on the cork).
- For the legs, cut off the top of a two-liter bottle and insert a whole smaller bottle (1.5 liters) into it. Make three more such blanks and attach the legs to the body with the wide part up.
- From the cut-off bottoms of two-liter bottles, make a fleece, fastening them together, and put on the body. Tie the edges of the fur coat under the belly.
- Paint the lamb with white paint and draw black eyes.
Bird care
Plastic bottles can be used not only for decorative purposes, but also for the benefit of the garden. After all, little helpers of the summer resident always live in it - a variety of birds that collect pests from trees. In the warm summer, they have something to feast on, but in the winter it becomes more difficult to get food. Then the feeders hung around the garden will come in handy. And if you involve children in the process, you get a double benefit: for children - an interesting activity and pleasure, and for birds - a cozy house with seeds.
The most simple feeders can be made from large 5 liter plastic bottles by simply cutting large arch-shaped holes on both sides.
To prevent birds from cutting their paws on the sharp edges of the bottle, they must first be melted or pasted over with electrical tape.
For those who rarely visit their summer cottage in winter, a feeder that fills automatically is useful.
You can make it from a bottle and two wooden spoons:
- make two holes in the bottle opposite each other, while the second should be located slightly lower;
- unfold the bottle and repeat the procedure on the back side;
- insert into the holes of the spoon crosswise.
After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured through the holes into the spoons as they empty.
A cozy place to relax from improvised means
Not only birds, but also the owners themselves should have their own secluded corner among the greenery, where on warm summer evenings you can enjoy a cup of tea, inhaling the aromas of nature. Many people prefer to put in the garden wooden gazebos... They are very beautiful, you can't argue with that, but they require certain financial investments. But from plastic it is cheap and cheerful to make not only a recreation area, but also to completely equip it.
Alcove? Easily!
The gazebo is one of the largest-scale plastic bottle craft projects.But the plastic gazebo has two big advantages:
- it is easy to assemble;
- will last more than one year without damaging the material.
Perhaps the only drawback of the building is the presence of a large number of bottles, which must be stored somewhere during the collection process.
How the gazebo will look like depends only on the desire of the owner, and, accordingly, on the availability of "building material":
- If there are not too many bottles, they can be put on the walls, and the roof can be made from a profile or metal tile.
- But if you make not only the walls, but also the roof from bottles, you will get a real summer house, in which, by the way, it will be warm almost until the end of autumn, because plastic keeps the temperature very well.
- The simplest option for a recreation area is an ordinary canopy that will shelter from the sun and rain. Those who consider plastic crafts to be rude and ugly, just need to make a canopy from a transparent container and paint the bottoms (only in the shape of a flower) with multi-colored paints. Immediately, a feeling of weightlessness is created, it seems that clouds of butterflies-flowers are hanging overhead. One awkward wave of the hand - and they immediately fly away.
Practical curtains for the gazebo
There is a lot of fresh air in summer gazebos, but, unfortunately, also dust. Plain tulle requires frequent washings, while a plastic curtain does not collect so much dust, and you can “wash” it without even removing it - just douse it with water from a hose (of course, if such a curtain is not hanging in the house).
For dreamy and romantic hostesses, gentle curtains from the bottoms of plastic bottles strung on a base are suitable.
For energetic people who like bright colors, cork curtains assembled according to the same principle are more suitable.
garden furniture
A table, an ottoman, an armchair and even a sofa in a gazebo can also be made from plastic bottles. Old furniture the house is also quite suitable for outdoor recreation, but it, like the curtains, will eventually become a bunch of dust. In addition, it is quite difficult to take a wooden sofa outside, because such furniture is rather bulky and heavy. But rearranging the plastic chair is not difficult.
It is not difficult to assemble furniture - you just need to put the bottles tightly and join together with adhesive tape, giving the desired shape. To knit or sew a cape for ottomans - no one from the outside will guess what they are actually made of.
Leatherette covers are more suitable for a sofa.
Unbreakable garden chandeliers
If you are planning an evening tea party, you must definitely spend lighting... To refine the light bulb, you can cut the bottle into two parts and make a simple shade from the upper half and paint it or paste over it with colored thread.
In plastic chandeliers, it is better to use economical light bulbs - they do not heat up so much and will not melt the material.
In more sophisticated versions, chandeliers are assembled from fragments of leaves or flowers, carved from colorful bottles.
Garden supplies for gardening
In order for the summer cottage to look beautiful and tidy, it is necessary to look after it all the time - weed weeds, collect fallen leaves and small debris. This will require tools. Of course, making a hoe or a rake from plastic will not work, but simpler specimens are quite possible.
Craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles for their own benefit and with savings for the family budget. After all, if the scoop suddenly broke, you no longer need to run to the store for a new one. From household waste, which is in every home, a lot of useful things are obtained at no extra cost:
- Scoops.
- Broom.
- Bucket.
- Washbasin.
Garden worries
Useful things can be made from plastic bottles not only for the garden, but also for the vegetable garden. It can be as small crafts in the form scarersand larger structures such as greenhouses.
Greenhouses for seedlings
Most summer residents grow seedlings of garden crops on their own.Some do it in apartment conditions, however, better quality seedlings are obtained from greenhouses - there is enough heat and light there.
You don't need to talk about cost, but as for strength - greenhouses made of plastic bottles will certainly stand longer than film shelters or glass structures.
To increase the service life of a greenhouse made of plastic bottles, it is advisable to put it on the foundation, and use a metal profile for the frame.
The simplest version of the greenhouse involves the construction of walls from whole bottles, which are put on each other.
It will take a little longer to tinker with the greenhouse made of plates, but it will turn out to be warmer. In this case, even parts must be cut out of the bottles and fastened (sewn) together in the form of a canvas. Mount the greenhouse from the finished canvases.
Watering "systems"
For gardeners, watering is no less urgent than the presence of a greenhouse. Instead of ready-made watering systems in the garden, you can use plastic bottles... They must either be hung over the bush, having previously made holes in the lower part, or dug into the ground.
In addition, the bottle makes a good sprinkler - you just need to make small holes in it and connect it to the watering hose.
Getting rid of pests
A scarer from a plastic bottle will help drive out the worst enemy of the summer resident from the site - mole... He not only plows the beds, digging his tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants in the course of action, depriving gardeners of the future harvest.
If you cut the side walls in the bottle, bend them and put the container on a steel bar, the bottle will turn and make noise when the wind blows. The sound through the rod will go into the ground and deprive the mole of the desire to manage in this noisy place.
The list of what you can do from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few crafts that make life easier for summer residents. Agree - it's better to get the most out of bottles than to pollute the environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!