Easy preparation of the Syrian hibiscus for winter

preparing hibiscus for winter Syrian hibiscus is a frost-resistant perennial plant. It can be grown in regions where the air temperature in winter drops to -20ABOUTC, but for this, the garden hibiscus needs to create comfortable conditions:

  • choose the right landing site;
  • regularly carry out formative pruning and feeding;
  • mulch the soil near a bush in the autumn.

In the southern regions, where the air temperature does not drop below -15ABOUTSince in winter, no activities are needed.

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Choosing the right landing site

In order for the Syrian hibiscus to bloom profusely, it must be planted in a place well-lit by the sun. Direct sunlight should hit the hibiscus for 10 hours a day. The root system of the Syrian tree-like hibiscus will tolerate winter frosts well if the soil warmed up well in summer.

Too close location of groundwater to the soil surface or constant stagnation of water negatively affects the frost resistance of the Syrian hibiscus. Therefore, this garden plant is planted on artificial hills or alpine slides. In order to contain moisture and additionally protect the hibiscus from the cold northern winds, low-growing shrubs with a powerful root system are planted near it.

If no other shrubs are planted near the Syrian hibiscus, then the young plant must be dug up for the winter. The hibiscus is carefully transplanted into a pot and transferred to a warm room. If the hibiscus is covered by other shrubs, then in the fall you can not dig it out, but simply mulch it.


In the fall, Syrian hibiscus is mulched with garden perlite. This material retains fungal spores well, and the shrub will be less susceptible to dangerous diseases. Before mulching, you need to loosen the soil to provide air access to the roots. Rotten cow dung can also be used for mulching.


Before covering the hibiscus with agrofibre, it is necessary to prune it. Each shoot is cut 10 cm. All seed pods are removed. The side branches are pinched so that in the spring the garden hibiscus forms a new growth. The next year, the growth will stiffen and discard flower buds.

Don't confuse preparatory pruning with hibiscus crown formation.

Formative pruning of hibiscus is carried out in the summer. In no case, do not form a bush in early autumn, so as not to weaken it before frost. To make the hibiscus easier to endure winter frosts, apply phosphorus or complex mineral fertilizers to the soil.


