Making a hanging hammock in the blink of an eye

simple hanging hammock with your own hands At the thought of what needs to be done a hanging hammock, many people immediately lose their hunt. However, few people are familiar with a simple and economical way to build such a simple structure. With this, the master does not have to cut, sew and cut.

Sporting goods of such a plan cost from 1000 rubles in specialized stores. But to create a homemade product, you will have to spend about 350 rubles. Moreover, simple needlework can take up to 10 minutes, which attracts many busy people.

Read also: how to make a hammock with your own hands from fabric?

"The knot will be tied ..."

The strength and reliability of the structure is influenced by the material chosen by the owner. In this case, it is suggested to take the usual lining fabric. It is considered to be lifting and can easily withstand weight up to 80-100 kg. Of course, if you stretch it and poke it with your fingers, holes will appear on the canvas, as well as puffs. For preparation, take up to 3 meters of matter. The width of the piece is standard - 1.5 m.

Those who are afraid to practice with such thin materials are advised to use a fabric from the Oxford series. Or take more dense canvases. It is important to remember that they will be several times heavier.

You can now purchase two firefighting carbines in a regular hardware store. For fastening, take a rope of 6 mm, a meter long. The process of creating a unique hanging hammock is quite simple:

  • the edges of the fabric are cauterized so that they do not crumble;
  • fold the widow's canvas (wrong side, preferably inside);
  • collect each end in a tight "accordion";
  • thread the formed bundle through the carbine;
  • tie knots.

The rope consumption on one side is 50 cm. At the base of the fastener, a tie is made, forming a tight knot. The edge of the cord is thrown in the opposite direction, and then tied again in another loop. There should be from 4 to 10 such connections or rings. They are interconnected so securely that they are simply not destined to untie.

Instead of carabiners, you can take a rope tied in a tight loop. However, it has a significant drawback. As a result, the traveler will have to attach it to the support for a very long time.

A hammock is attached to two trees. The further they are located to each other, the lower it can be placed. The trunks are wrapped with rope in several layers, then a knot is made. There are several ways to properly attach a hanging hammock. Among other things, it is important to know the basic patterns of tying strong knots that will help regulate the tension of the product. Without understanding all this, it is impossible to make a homemade design.


