We make drinking bowls for quails with our own hands
Quail drinkers must meet special requirements. So, a properly organized watering hole will help not only ensure maximum cleanliness in the cage, but also raise healthy birds. You can also buy a drinker at a store, however, it is recommended to use hand-made devices. In this article we will analyze how to make do-it-yourself drinkers for quail. Read about drinkers for chickens!
Types of drinkers and requirements for them
Quails, however, like any other birds, litter very much. An improperly organized feeder and bowl only add to the problem of fouling the cage.
The correct bowl will help raise healthy birds and also minimize dirt in the cage itself. The main types of drinkers are cup, nipple, drip and automatic drinking bowls.
Any of the above drinkers must meet the following requirements:
- size depends entirely on the number of birds, as well as their age;
- it is better to choose raw materials that are environmentally friendly and safe for birds;
- do not choose wood or clay as the main material, and also minimize the use of metal;
- water should be available to birds, because birds should simply reach the water;
- bowls should be easily removed from the cage for cleaning;
- the bowl must be strong.
Drip tanks with water can rightfully be considered one of the most convenient drinker options. So, their advantages are:
- the water is always clean and fresh;
- bowl helps to keep the cage clean;
- such bowls have a long service life;
- you can dissolve vitamins.
If you decide to make such a bowl yourself, then follow these tips:
- You can connect the bowl directly to the piping.
- It is better to place the tank as high as possible so that the pressure in the pipeline increases and, as a result, the bowl works better.
- To install the nipple, it is necessary to drill holes in the pipe.
- If you are afraid that the installation site may leak, then use Teflon tape during the manufacturing process.
- For young stock (15-25 days) it is better to use soft nipples. For adult birds, you can use already hard baits.
- Drip bowls can be installed anywhere: they are great for installation both on the inside and outside of the cage, on the wall and on other surfaces.
Nipple designs are one of the most expensive types of drinkers. It is believed that they are best installed with a large number of birds.
The quail drinking bowl is small in size and is therefore often referred to as a micro bowl. This bowl is a cup in which a small tongue floats, connected to a ball that shuts off the water supply. If there is water, the tongue remains on the surface and water does not penetrate into the reservoir.If the water starts to run out, then the tongue falls to the bottom, the ball opens access to moisture, and the bowl is filled with fresh water. Such bowls are equally well suited for very young birds, as well as for adult birds.
It is necessary to choose a structure in such a way that it meets the requirements for keeping birds (in a cage or on the floor), for the number of birds, as well as their age. Quail breeders answer that making a bowl is quite difficult.
From a plastic bottle
Drinker for quails from a plastic bottle - one of the easiest options in execution. A plastic bowl is a bottle that has been cut horizontally and attached to the cage wall. To make a plastic bottle, you need a bottle, a tin can, a knife, a drill, and a wire.
To make a do-it-yourself drinker for quail made of plastic, follow the instructions below:
- Take a tin can. Cut off the lid from it and sharpen the edges so that they are not sharp.
- Two holes must be made about 5-6 cm from the bottom.
- In the holes, which will later be the places where the water flows from, you need to attach two screwdrivers.
- Take a plastic bottle and drill a few holes near its neck.
- Pour water into a bottle, close it and place it upside down in a tin can.
- You can attach the structure to the cage using a wire.
In addition to the above types, there are also so-called vacuum models. You can buy them in the store or make yourself. The vacuum bowl is also called "quail drinker". One vacuum structure is more than enough to provide 15-25 adult quail with water.
In fact, such a bowl is a reservoir of about 7-10 liters (for example, a small canister), on which the structure is attached. In this case, it looks like a lid with a round groove. The contraction collected and filled with water turns over and liquid enters the grooves.
The market offers many different quail drinkers. Of course, it is best to do it yourself, so you will be confident in the reliability of the model, as well as in the environmental friendliness of materials. The most common types are drip, cup and nipple designs, which craftsmen can make at home with their own hands. The simplest type is a bowl made from a plastic bottle. Such a bowl is less durable, however, it is no less useful.