We study the useful and harmful properties of plectrantus - a fragrant indoor plant
The beneficial and harmful properties of plectrantus have long been of interest to connoisseurs of greenery. After all, the plant grows successfully at home and exudes a pleasant aroma. Plectrantus came to Europe from India and the southern part of the African continent. Today, such varieties of this cute flower are widely used in indoor gardening:
- coleus;
- Australian;
- shrub;
- Ernst;
- Fragrant.
Our compatriots often call it bristle flower, fly-eater, indoor mint. For more than one decade, this exquisite and delicate flower has attracted special attention of color lovers. And the useful and harmful properties of plectrantus cause unprecedented admiration.
Unique varieties of the plant such as French thyme, Indian borage, Cuban oregano, soup mint or Mexican mint are widely used in cooking.
Close acquaintance with an exotic plant

- pink;
- white;
- lilac;
- purple.
They are collected in carpal inflorescences that look original among lush greenery.
To prepare medicinal raw materials, the tops of the shoots are plucked, on which there are several leaves. This is best done during dry periods when there is no moisture on the plant.
Useful and harmful properties of plectrantus: time-tested facts
A deep study of the plant has shown that essential oils are its main advantage. In addition, it contains the following chemicals:
- carbohydrates;
- proteins;
- glycosides;
- alkaloids;
- phenolic compounds;
- quinine;
- carvacrol;
- cineon;
- quartztin;
- thymol;
- ursular acid;
- eugenol;
- tanning elements.
At first glance, the names are not clear, but their effect on the human body is more than obvious. The medicinal properties of plectrantus are manifested when it is used to eliminate itching, as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and sedative. Gruel from finely chopped leaves is applied to insect bites to relieve swelling. Tinctures from a flower is prepared for rinsing the mouth and throat.
Given the beneficial and harmful properties of plectrantus, young mothers use it to treat diathesis and diaper rash in young children. In this case, dried herbs are suitable, from which decoctions are prepared (half a glass of herbs is poured with boiled water and insisted for an hour and a half).
Since the plant has a calming effect on the body, many use it to treat urinary incontinence in children. Regular bathing in herbal tea 20 minutes before bed helps fight the problem.
It is interesting that aromatic plectrantus is widely used to treat diseases in a folk way. For example, in India it is planted in front gardens to be used in case of emergency.If the household became ill with malaria, diarrhea, or helminthiasis, tinctures from the plant helped to relieve attacks of ailments before the doctor arrived. And the leaves of the flower were applied to wounds from scorpion bites. In South Asia, young children are given plant juice to prevent colds.
In many countries of the world, indoor mint is actively used in cooking. It is added as an aromatic condiment to soups, salads, meat and fish dishes. In Jamaica, chefs bake mint leaves in batter, and in France they add them to syrups, liqueurs and wine... Italians put plectrantus in first courses and sweet desserts. This popularity is due to its unique properties and pleasant aroma.
Indoor mint - free in-house aromatherapy
Fans of indoor plants have noticed that the flower exudes a pleasant aroma. The main reason for this miracle is the special glands on the plates. At home, the following varieties are most often grown:
- molar tree growing up to 100 cm in height;
- Scandinavian ivy;
- plectrantus "Ernst", which is a climbing shrub.
In order for the plant to develop successfully indoors, it is enough to water it regularly, feed it and place it in a bright place.
Since the foliage of the flower is lowered, it should not be sprayed. After such a procedure, spots appear on the plates, and the plant loses its attractive appearance.
The beneficial properties of room mint are manifested primarily in the evaporation of essential oils. Its refined aroma has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body, relieving headaches. In a room with such a plant, people do not suffer from insomnia, but enjoy a healthy rest.
Contraindications and harmful properties of plectrantus
Despite the widespread use of the flower in folk medicine, some contraindications were also noticed. Gynecologists do not recommend taking tinctures or teas from room mint for pregnant and lactating women. Pediatricians prohibit the use of decoctions from the plant for children who are under 12 years old.
People with sensitive skin have noticed that when they come into contact with the foliage or stalks of the plectrantus, they develop a mild form of dermatitis. Therefore, you should not have a flower or try to stay away from it. It is not advisable to eat mint leaves for those who have low blood pressure and varicose veins.
In addition, like any product, Plectrantus should be consumed in a balanced manner. Any overeating leads to serious consequences. Especially when it comes to medicinal herbs. Abuse of tinctures or decoctions of room mint leads to heartburn, which indicates an increased acidity of the stomach. Let's be attentive to our body.
Pletrantus grows in the room and in the kitchen, but flies and fruit moths fly around the apartment without interference. I don't smell any smell from him, even when I go from the street. The smell appears when you take the leaves with your hands.
I confirm. Plectrantus, if grown in the shade or not in direct sunlight, is not very fragrant. I'm talking about the Fragrant variety. (th) But you touch it - and the smell is clear. By the way, if grown in the shade or not in direct light, the mint tastes bitter and refreshing. And in direct light - bitter sour, a little nasty, to be honest.