Beneficial insects in natural farming

ladybug in the garden In nature, there is no concept of "harmful" or "useful" insect. Each species performs specific functions, maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. The categories "harmful" and "useful" are relative. For example, ants, which people are used to considering as pests, while protecting their colonies, eat other unwanted insects, such as the moth or weevil. But ants also spread aphids, which harm plants, so gardeners exterminate ants in their areas by spraying plants with chemicals.


If you are a supporter of organic farming, then you should not kill ants. You can limit aphids' breeding grounds by planting lavender around the nest, which aphids cannot smell. Muravyov is not deterred by this smell. These insects can travel long distances in search of food for the colony, and therefore will save you from weevils, raspberry flies and other insect pests. To prevent aphids from breeding on your site, populate ladybirds next to the ant colony.


There are more than 2000 species of ladybugs in the world, of which 100 have taken root well in Russia. This beetle is a real predator; in France, a species of ladybugs is widespread, which unite in a swarm and fly in search of food, destroying entire apiaries.

The seven-spot ladybug attacks only insects that feed on plant sap, that is, aphids, spider mites and others. The larvae of the seven-spotted ladybug are black with reddish spots. A voracious larva can exterminate up to 200 aphids per day, which is 5 times more than an adult can eat.

These insects are so useful that American entomologists have transported several hundred beetles to North America. There, ladybugs took root and began to breed. Thus, the farmers received a live insecticide. On industrial farms, seven-spot ladybugs are specially bred to combat aphids and raspberry fly larva.

Insect class "Riders"

Insects of the class "Riders" got their name from the characteristic way of laying eggs. They climb on a large larva of an insect pest, for example, a Colorado potato beetle or a bear and lay their eggs directly in the victim's body. The larva, having hatched, begins to secrete poison, which kills the harmful insect, then the larva feeds on the dead tissues of the pest, leaving only the shell.

Insect class "Pollinators"

Pollinators are usually considered to be bees or butterflies, but other beneficial insects of this class can be found in Russian gardens, for example, the hoverfly. The insect got its name because of the characteristic sound that a fly makes during flight. It resembles the quiet murmur of water. The hoverfly is completely harmless, for protection it disguises itself as a wasp, and therefore the birds do not attack them.



