Useful properties of elderberry and the ability of a green healer
Elderberry can often be found in the forest and even among garden beds. And if some uproot and destroy it along with the weeds, then the herbalists treat the plant with respect. They know that the health benefits of elderberry put it ahead of many weeds. The berries of this culture contain many trace elements and vitamins, and even leaves with roots are healing. How did elderberry deserve such popularity, and what diseases will it help get rid of?
There are two types of elderberry - red and black. Both of them have almost the same composition of trace elements and vitamins, however, the red elderberry contains more toxins. In view of this, for medicinal purposes, it is used only externally, while it is prepared from black elderberry infusions and decoctions for drinking.
Elderberry composition
- amino and organo acids;
- fructose and glucose;
- essential oils and resins;
- tannins;
- vitamins of groups B, E and A;
- tannin;
- iron;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- copper and others.
100 g of fresh elderberry berries contain 11.5 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of fat, 0.65 g of protein and 73 kcal. However, they can only be consumed in dried form, and even then no more than 8 berries per day.
Useful properties of elderberry
The fruits, roots and aerial part of the elderberry are used for the preparation of decoctions, tinctures and extracts. The plant has a number of medicinal properties, namely:
- calms the nervous system;
- relieves toothache and headache;
- has a mild laxative effect;
- acts as a diuretic, laxative and anthelmintic;
- strengthens the immune system;
- regulates metabolism.
What does elderberry heal?
Elderberry-based folk remedies help with such diseases:
- flu, bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis;
- diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder;
- gout, arthrosis, rheumatism;
- oncology;
- neurology;
- skin diseases;
- problems in the gynecological part.
It is not recommended to be treated with elderberry for pregnant women and children under 10-12 years of age, as well as in the presence of chronic stomach problems.