Useful properties of hibiscus - a gourmet Chinese rose
There are many plants on earth that help maintain health. The unique beneficial properties of hibiscus have attracted the attention of healers since ancient Egypt. Although they did not know the reason for the miraculous power of the flower, decoctions, tinctures and teas were prepared from it. In addition, the plant was associated with a future revival to life. Subtle traces of hibiscus were found in the tombs of the pharaohs.
Nowadays, Chinese rose flower tea is a traditional refreshing drink of the Egyptians. He is still appreciated for his unique ability to beneficially influence the outer beauty and youth of his fans.
Over time, the popularity of hibiscus spread throughout the world. In Guinea, it is used as a sedative decoction. Indian chefs add flower petals to salads. Africans use the foliage of the plant as a healing agent. Europeans use it for the manufacture of medicines and in cosmetology.
Let's look under the veil of a majestic Chinese rose
Depending on the variety, they come in various shapes and colors:
- light pink;
- fiery red;
- yellow;
- snow-white;
- purple;
- purple.
The leaf plates of the culture are oval. The edges are serrated. The color is dark green. The front side is glossy. It is in the inflorescences and greens that the unique beneficial properties of hibiscus are hidden, which were appreciated by the ancient healers of Egypt.
The plant is found naturally in southern China and northern India, but it is mainly grown as a cultivated plant. In Europe, hibiscus is known as Chinese rose and is bred at home as an exotic indoor culture.
Useful properties of hibiscus and chemical composition
This exotic Chinese beauty contains a huge amount of valuable elements in its buds and foliage:
- proteins;
- acids;
- carbohydrates;
- alimentary fiber;
- vitamins of group A, C, PP, B2;
- sodium;
- phosphorus;
- calcium;
- potassium;
- magnesium.
Each of them has a special effect on different body systems. This is where the beneficial properties of home-grown hibiscus are manifested. Original components called "anthocyanins" (vitamin PP), which give tea a bright red color, have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the body. They strengthen their walls and increase the level of permeability. Therefore, reflecting on what hibiscus is useful for, many are happy to prepare tea and decoctions from it. Such drinks are considered a wonderful remedy for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
Vitamins of the PP group often act as antioxidants and protect cells from all kinds of mutations. This reduces the likelihood of cancers. As you can see, the Chinese rose is the faithful guardian of our health.
The invaluable benefit of hibiscus is the presence of flavonoids. These elements remove toxic substances from the body, which improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
The presence of ascorbic acid in the components of the plant helps to strengthen the immune system. Regular consumption of the life-giving drink leads to the accumulation of the body's defenses. Therefore, during the period of viral epidemics, the chance to stay healthy and not lose shape increases.
To achieve a visible effect, it is advisable to take tea for several months before the likely onset of a viral flu epidemic.
Excellent red health drink
For several millennia, the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea have delighted sensible people. As soon as our ancestors did not call this miraculous drink. Today it is known as aromatic hibiscus. Although hibiscus does not belong to tea bushes, its unique buds are actively used to prepare the drink. Interestingly, only wilted inflorescences are able to fill up with juice that comes out in contact with hot water.
In various oriental treatises, medicinal tea with hibiscus is often mentioned, which was considered a panacea for all diseases. First of all, the drink quenched thirst with lightning speed in hot times. It was drunk both hot and cold to give strength to the body. When various ailments arose, healers prescribed it as an effective medicine.
Modern research has confirmed the value of a product when scientists "saw" its chemical composition. Chinese rosebud tea contains approximately 13 organic acids, including:
- apple;
- lemon;
- wine.
Therefore, the beneficial properties of hibiscus petals quickly manifest themselves in the body. Even after taking one cup of the scarlet drink, you can feel a surge of strength and quench your thirst.
In addition, tea improves:
- digestion process;
- removes sand from the kidneys and destroys stones;
- clears the bile ducts;
- has a diuretic effect.
Observations of doctors on patients have shown that the drink does not cause addiction. The same cannot be said about coffee or black tea. It is recommended to drink it to stabilize blood pressure. When consumed cold, the tincture lowers blood pressure. And for a boost, it's better to drink a hot drink.
The hibiscus petals that were used to brew the drink have been observed to contain amino acids and proteins. Therefore, it is advisable not to throw them away, but simply eat them as a "dessert".
Hibiscus and a beautiful figure
At all times, magnificent forms have caused grief in people, and often depression. Therefore, they strenuously looked for an opportunity to lose excess weight.
The secret to using hibiscus for weight loss lies in its unique properties:
- acceleration of metabolism;
- withdrawal from the body of fluid;
- laxative effect.
Studies have shown that the substances contained in Chinese rose interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates and fats from food. Regular consumption of the drink promotes the breakdown of body fat while preserving muscle tissue.
To obtain a "magic" potion, dried hibiscus is poured with hot water and infused for several minutes. When the liquid acquires a rich shade, take it before each meal. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger is dulled, and as a result, the person gradually reduces the consumed portion of the lunch.
Hibiscus should never be boiled with boiling water. The water temperature should not exceed 90 ° C.
In some cases, hibiscus extract is used for weight loss, which is a red-brown liquid or powder with a floral scent. It contains a huge amount of valuable elements that help break down fats and improve digestion. In addition, the liquid stimulates the bowels and softens the stool. It is these moments that help fat people get rid of extra pounds.
Chinese rose extract is useful for facial and body skin care.It effectively moisturizes the upper layer of the epidermis, smoothes and stimulates its elasticity. Therefore, while losing weight, it is important to take care of your skin in order to get full satisfaction from the achieved goal.
Despite the many beneficial properties of the extract, some people may develop an allergy to hibiscus in the form of acne or redness.
If symptoms are found, the substance should be discarded immediately. In critical cases, it is better to consult your doctor. Be that as it may, everyone strives to improve their health. Therefore, you should not risk going to extremes. Nature has given us an abundance of useful plants, from which we can make a healing drink.