Useful properties of irgi
Many gardeners do not deservedly neglect this plant - a miracle berry, not knowing about the useful properties of irgi. Irga is unpretentious, frost-resistant, its berries have a rich mineral and vitamin composition in combination with excellent taste.
The variety of Canadian irgi is best suited for food - the fruits are juicier and larger than those of other species. Ordinary, "wild" Irga is not much inferior to more cultivated varieties in terms of useful properties.
Useful properties of irgi for human health
Substances that determine the beneficial properties of irgi:
- Pectins - reduce cholesterol levels, improve intestinal motility, cleanse the body of harmful substances and prevent the occurrence of serious vascular pathologies.
- B vitamins (responsible for memory, metabolism, immunity and the nervous system).
- The tannins contained in this berry eliminate the influence of harmful microorganisms.
- Flavonoids stop the deterioration of age-related memory and restore visual acuity.
- Sterols - lower cholesterol levels.
- Antioxidants contained in irge prevent the development of oncology (first of all, keratin - rejuvenates, strengthens the immune system, helps to prevent cancer, neutralizes the negative effect of carcinogenic substances on the body).
The berry is useful for the elderly, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes sleep, having a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Irga has a calming and sedative effect, prevents the development of cataracts and helps to normalize vision.
Irgi juice - normalizes sleep, reduces nervousness, and also has bactericidal properties. Diluted juices from its berries have useful properties of irgi - they normalize kidney function and cleanse the liver.
Tincture from irgi flowers normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients and compensates for the problem of heart failure in the elderly.
The fruits of the plant contain:
- about 40% ascorbic acid, carotene and dye trace elements;
- vitamin B2 (in 100 grams of berries - 600% of the daily value);
- up to 12% of various sugars;
- about 1% of various acids;
- about 0.5% tannins;
- sterols and flavanoids;
- provitamin A and a number of P-active compounds.
Contraindications may occur with significant abuse of irga. They depend on individual intolerance - maybe in some people.
For hypotonics, a note - helping with hypertension, Irga, used in large quantities, can reduce blood pressure to dangerous levels.