Useful properties of chestnut - what do we know about the healing power of a mighty handsome man
The flowers, leaves, bark and nuts of the horse chestnut have long been used for the preparation of medicinal products. What are the beneficial properties of chestnut, and what kind of diseases can this perennial giant be able to do? After all, its healing power is recognized even at the level of modern medicine. Chestnut extract can be found on drugstore counters. There are also many medicines that contain various parts of this plant. Do you want to know how and where the "chestnut doctor" works? Then let's get started.
Useful properties of chestnut
The healing power of horse chestnut is due to the many beneficial substances that make up it. First of all, these are tannins and minerals, fatty oils and organic acids. Chestnut also contains a lot of vitamins, in particular groups B, C and K, as well as carotene, pectins, coumarin and other substances.
On the basis of horse chestnut, tinctures, decoctions and even medicinal ointments are made. Due to their rich composition, these funds can:
- heal wounds, eliminate inflammation and reduce blood clotting;
- remove toxins and cleanse the body of carcinogens;
- strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
- relieve swelling;
- lower pressure;
- relieve nervous tension and much more.
For what diseases are remedies based on different parts of chestnut shown?
Horse chestnut tinctures and decoctions will help alleviate the condition, relieve acute symptoms or reproach recovery from such diseases:
- varricosis and thrombophlebitis;
- colds;
- upper respiratory tract infections;
- atherosclerosis;
- hypertension;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and joints;
- problems with the reproductive system;
- radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout;
- hemorrhoids.
Self-medication for any disease is contraindicated. Talk to your doctor before taking chestnut tincture or any other remedy based on it.
How to prepare medicinal raw materials
You can stock up on bark for medicinal tinctures in early spring when you prune trees. This way, you don't have to cut and mutilate the chestnut in order to obtain precious ingredients. Cut it straight into small pieces and leave to dry on the table in the house.
Start collecting leaves and inflorescences in the month of May. Arrange flowers and leaves under a canopy and let them dry well, stirring occasionally.
It is better to pick bark, flowers, leaves and fruits away from the road, since the chestnut very "absorbs" harmful substances.
Per chestnut fruit set off in September. You shouldn't pick them before autumn, because the chestnuts will still be green. This means that there will be less nutrients in them. Leave the harvested crop to dry for a month, scattering in one layer in a warm place.